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Mod manager problem
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Author:  guywhocantmod [ Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Mod manager problem

So i downloaded mod manager, and putted more cash for player 1. Then i saved it and played cortex command.
When i tried to launch skirmish and when it launched, it gived me error. I reinstalled cortex command, and now the whole screen turns black when i launch skirmish or campaign.

Author:  Sims_Doc [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mod manager problem

i can't help you with the mod part but with skirmish funds you can change it to whatever you want by going to "Cortex Command Folder" and then to the "Missions.rte Folder" after you get to that folder select
"Skirmish Activities File" and make a backup after which open the file and then find this edit this code

AddActivity = GABaseDefense
PresetName = Skirmish Defense
SceneName = Grasslands
TeamCount = 2
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
TeamOfPlayer2 = 1
FundsOfTeam1 = 5000
FundsOfTeam2 = 5000
CPUTeam = 1
Difficulty = 3
SpawnIntervalEasiest = 20000
SpawnIntervalHardest = 8000

its up the top so it should be easy to find, after which change this part of the code to whatever you want ill show you how much i change mine to.

AddActivity = GABaseDefense
PresetName = Skirmish Defense
SceneName = Grasslands
TeamCount = 2
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
TeamOfPlayer2 = 1
FundsOfTeam1 = 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
FundsOfTeam2 = 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
CPUTeam = 1
Difficulty = 3
SpawnIntervalEasiest = 20000
SpawnIntervalHardest = 8000

This should help you in the Skirmish Funds area.

As always thanks for reading my post , if you take any offence to them please contact me ill be happy to change it

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