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Right-Click doesn't work on OSX (have to control-click)
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Author:  Awesomeness [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Right-Click doesn't work on OSX (have to control-click)

I haven't bought the game yet because I have to use the PC edition; right-clicking with the mouse in the Mac edition does nothing. I have to use control-click.

Right now, I play using CrossOver, (an application to run PC applications natively on a Mac), because CC in CrossOver does what it should when I right-click.

However, because CrossOver has to translate PC libraries into Mac libraries, it runs much slower (as in the PC version takes over a minute just to load, and the Mac version takes less than five seconds).

I love this game so much, I might even buy the Support Data Realms Edition. Making mods appeals to my programmer side, and using them to blast peoples' heads off appeals to my gamer side. It's perfect. I just have to press this button down every time I want to right click, against the habit I have of using the mouse to right click. I sometimes right-click with the mouse anyway because I forget I have to control-click, and it slows me down. It irks me every single time I have to use the menu.

It annoys me so much I'm not buying it until it's fixed, so I can finally right-click with the mouse.

I can give you my computer specs if you want, but with a problem this simple it shouldn't be necessary.

Author:  Duh102 [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Right-Click doesn't work on OSX (have to control-click)

Up to you if you want to buy it or not. The only Mac users that I know of discussed the problem here and didn't come to a solution (to the best of my knowledge).

Author:  Awesomeness [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Right-Click doesn't work on OSX (have to control-click)

If this has been talked about before with no solution and no bugfix by higher-ups, then I'm not going to buy the game.


Author:  Awesomeness [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Right-Click doesn't work on OSX (have to control-click)

Is there any way I can fix this myself? Like by changing preferences or something? Any way at all? There has to be...

I'm looking for an Engineer to help me out here, but if anyone knows what to do, they are welcome to tell me.

Author:  PhantomAGN [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Right-Click doesn't work on OSX (have to control-click)

I have had some success with this, but nothing I do lasts very long.
When i plugged in a wireless microsoft bluetooth mouse (mobile memory 8000) right clicking worked, but the OS did not see some of the mouse features, and I then installed the microsoft drivers After that, the mouse stopped right-clicking in cortex command. Even when I removed the drivers the right click was not restored. Replacing CC does not fix it, so it must be something about the way the OS passes the game right clicks.

Author:  Awesomeness [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Right-Click doesn't work on OSX (have to control-click)

PhantomAGN wrote:
it must be something about the way the OS passes the game right clicks.

You're right. When I run it in CrossOver, it works, so I assume CrossOver is getting right clicks correctly from the application System Events. It may be possible to create an AppleScript that holds down control and clicks when you right click... But that would be difficult.

EDIT: Applescript does not have support.

Author:  PhantomAGN [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Right-Click doesn't work on OSX (have to control-click)

I was able to use my wacom tablet, by using the driver to set a button to click with the ctrl key modifier.
The microsoft drivers are not installed, and I have reason to want them, bu I bet that would do the same thing.

Basically, CC cannot get "Secondary click" but instead wants "control-click."

Author:  Awesomeness [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Right-Click doesn't work on OSX (have to control-click)


Please excuse my retarded outbursts, but at about noon (I didn't get to post until now) I decided to see if my Mom's computer's Wacom (Both Wacom? What a weird coincidence.) 'Bamboo' tablet would work for right clicking (it doesn't use a driver for some reason, by the way, but works anyway) with heavy doubts. To my surprise, it worked- but not only that; my magic mouse suddenly worked in CC too!

So I've figured out two things:

1. I have to do it every time I open CC,
2. I do not need to right click on the tablet's mouse to 'activate' other mice; I can just plug it in, open CC, pull it out. However, I must must put the mouse (not the pen) that came with the thing on the tablet for it to 'activate' them.

Does anyone else here have similar results?

EDIT: It's this tablet.

EDIT: Although this is great, I still wish they'd fix it because it takes time and annoys people on the other computer when I borrow the mouse. I don't want to switch mouses with that computer permanently because I don't like the mouse, I just want to make right click work.

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