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''RTE Aborted because failed to load datafile...''
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Author:  Karion [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  ''RTE Aborted because failed to load datafile...''

Hi, i start coding and make some minor changes to the Iron Man make by Naxx for my personal use, my problem is that i add a homing missile launcher using the coalition one, but when it load i get this error

Abortion in file ./System/ContentFile.ccp, line 549, because:
Failed to load datafile object with following patch and name:

Iron Man/Gun/null000

The last frame has be dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

for some reason it add that 000 and idk why, is some can help me in this i will very appreciate that
and sorry is my englsih is hrad to understand, is not my main language

Author:  Grif [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ''RTE Aborted because failed to load datafile...''

The game adds the 000 because the code for the gun defines it as having FrameCount = 2.

What that means is that the game is trying to animate the gun, which require two separate image files. The two files are named with a 000 and 001 suffix, respectively.

To fix it, try changing the FrameCount variable in the weapon's code to equal 1, instead of 2.

Author:  Karion [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ''RTE Aborted because failed to load datafile...''

Thanks that worked, but now i get a error at line 1095 in the iron man.ini, something to do with spread but i dont see anything unusual since all the gibs have the same valours (which is 0)

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