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 Made A Map Variant, Game Screwed Up 
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Post Made A Map Variant, Game Screwed Up
First off, I must say that I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum. I did not see a help forum anywhere, except one regarding help with the website, which I do not need.

Anyways, I guess I could say that the problem started last night when I went to make a variant of the map Mountain Land (My favorite skirmish map so far) via the in-game scene editor. The game prompted me and asked me which module I would like to use, and I chose the Browncoats.rte module just because I like browncoats, and I left everything else untouched (besides the terrain, I changed that to Mountain Land). So, I finished my map and everything was fine, I saved my map and played it on skirmish a couple of times. Then, I accidentally pressed the escape button on the main menu and I exited the game. So I started Cortex Command back up, and it kept crashing at the loading screen every time, telling me that it couldn't find the something something something in the browncoats.rte/scenes.ini file (I don't remember exactly what it said). So I checked the file and it said to include my map almost 10 times! (I save a lot when I make stuff) So I shortened it down to only include it once, but I ran into the same problem yet again. So it was only until today that I used the unregister.bat file to unregister my game and then uninstall it from my computer, download the installer again and then install Cortex Command onto my computer again. It worked after that, but then I got bored of just playing the same old maps so I proceeded yet again to make another map, this time confident that it would not happen again. I was wrong. The game once again prompted me for the module, but this time I didn't choose the browncoats.rte. After a bit of experimenting, I figured out that whitebots.rte allows you to use all of the items in the editor. So, I finished my map yet again (still on Mountain Land), played on it once and then I was curious as to whether or not it would screw up again. So I exited and then started Cortex Command back up, but it crashed on the loading screen yet again, this time it gives me the error message:

"Abortion in file .\System\Reader.cpp, line 531 because:

Failed to open included data file in Whitebots.rte/Scenes.ini at line 3!

The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'"

(Note: I have included the file "abortscreen.bmp" in this post)

So I checked the scenes.ini file yet again, and deleted all the inclusions yet again, and then tested it... Same thing, just like last time.

I really hope someone will be able to help me fix this, I just bought the game yesterday.

EDIT: Almost forgot, there is another error box that pops up after the first one:

"The exception Breakpoint
A Breakpoint has been reached.
(0x80000003) occurred in the application at location 0x005c7bca.

Click on OK to terminate the program"

Then I click OK and Cortex Command disappears off Task Manager.

EDIT #2: Just noticed the Game and Licensing Support forum... Oops... Please don't ban me! :-(

File comment: What the heck is wrong with my game...
abortscreen.bmp [ 1.37 MiB | Viewed 2638 times ]
Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:46 pm
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Post Re: Made A Map Variant, Game Screwed Up
I'm sure your thread will just be moved.

I've had this problem too, whenever I've tried to make permanent changes/additions to maps I enjoy.

But it's never worked, because of the same issues you're having, so I just gave up on it.

Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:32 am
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Post Re: Made A Map Variant, Game Screwed Up
tons0phun wrote:
I'm sure your thread will just be moved.

I've had this problem too, whenever I've tried to make permanent changes/additions to maps I enjoy.

But it's never worked, because of the same issues you're having, so I just gave up on it.


Wow, that cuts out a huge chunk of what I could would have done in Cortex Command.

I guess I can always just make it so that I start with tons of cash in Skirmish... :???:

EDIT: Fixed my problem by taking out the script in whitebots.rte/index.ini that tells the game to include whitebots.rte/scenes.ini. Problem solved.

Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:39 am
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Post Re: Made A Map Variant, Game Screwed Up
There's a bug in the game where if you do not have a /scenes directory in the target .rte, it will not save the scene .ini but make the change in the index.ini, causing this error. Fix by making a /scenes directory in the .rte you want to use. Or, just use base.rte instead.

I think. It may be that you need to make an empty scenes.ini where it tells you to, not entirely sure. That's the general problem though, it looks for the file and if it can't find it, doesn't write it but changes the index.ini.

Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:37 am
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Post Re: Made A Map Variant, Game Screwed Up
Wow... I don't know how to thank you. It actually works now! :D

Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:14 pm
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