Re: Change the application picture on Mac
REALLY?!?!?You go and post on a
2 MONTH old topic just to try and insult my computer? WHY?
This topic is about changing a picture ON MY MAC. It is not about superiority of computers or any of your junk.
ProjektTHOR already answered my question.
Thanks for the links to stuff that only works on a PC. No one will use them because no one will find them. This is a topic about Macs, go post your stuff somewhere else.
By the way, when you typed "for real men" you must have been having some issues, because if that picture is of you, you are NOT A MAN. You, in case you hadn't noticed, are a girl (you're not a woman either).
Go troll somewhere else.
User was warned for this post. Don't fall for trolling, peeps, because then you're flaming for no reason. -Duh