Data Realms Fan Forums

Cortex Command won't work
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Author:  Justin1221 [ Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Cortex Command won't work

Well, ever since I tried to install the Coalition dreadnaught mod, I've got the error RTE Aborted. Saying something like Coalition.rte/Devices/GatlingGuns/GatlingGunsA.

I've tried uninstalling Cortex Command and then reinstalling it and moving the mods back into the folder, EXCEPT for Coalition Dreadnaught, and I STILL got the error with the same mods, and all those mods have worked before with no problems. Now, why they decide to ♥♥♥♥ up now, I don't know.

And, yes, I DID use search and searched this on the forums, and I found nothing, except for one of my topics.

So, what could have caused this? Also, I followed Coalition.rte path, but I noticed some gaps in the path. Does that mean the path isn't there, or am I looking into the wrong Coalition.rte? Which is strange, because there's only one Coalition.rte, and Coalition Dreadnaught.rte isn't there.

Author:  weegee [ Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command won't work

In Build 23 Coalition.rte\Devices\GatlingGuns\ changed to Coalition.rte\Devices\Sprites\ for sprites. Try modifying .ini files yourself or find a version that is converted for build 23.

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