Data Realms Fan Forums

Gamepad Woes
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Author:  Dr. Evil [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Gamepad Woes

Hello All!
I'd like to start off by complimenting an extremely impressive piece of indie software!

My only major gripe is this: Gamepad setup!
I've tried three different USB gamepads and encountered three main problems each time.

  • First : This is the Giant Looming Problem. On any analog stick, CC only picks up one direction in each axis. E.G. it will pick up when the analog stick is pushed right, but not left. This pretty much makes it impossible to use the game split screen. :/
  • Second : Sensitivity. Even breathing heavily on the analog stick during setup causes it to move on to the next screen.
  • Third : Delay. OK. Even assuming I manage to press the right button/stick, often the game moves through several of the setup screens before stopping. I presume this is due to the length of my press, but still make it very difficult to set up the gamepad.

I'm not sure if this is at all relevant, but I'm running Mac OSX 10.5.8
Many Thanks!

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