Data Realms Fan Forums

Random crashes make the game unenjoyable
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Author:  ShnitzelKiller [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Random crashes make the game unenjoyable

It's so unpredictable; you never know when it's gonna crash on you. Sometimes while I am going to the buy menu a microsecond after switching to a character, it crashes, or if I'm putting a lot of items on my cart fast, or just for no reason in the middle of the game. It takes a long time to start, so I tend not to play it much because doing so requires so much patience. I really hope there will be a completely stable final release.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random crashes make the game unenjoyable

I would kind of assume that's the goal, yes. It's not as if Data promises a bug-free product; this entire forum is supposed to be the bug reporting system.

Also, I have never had "random" crash issues with any build of CC ever, and I've been playing for years now.

Use less mods.

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