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ketanot hills error
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Author:  joost1120 [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  ketanot hills error

I get an error if I try to run Cortex Command. The error is in line 8 at ketanot hills. It can't find the Ketanot Hills Terrain in Base.rte.

CopyOf = Base.rte/Ketanot Hills Terrain

Author:  LowestFormOfWit [ Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ketanot hills error

It sounds like you went into the Scene Editor with the intent to make a new scene using the Ketanot Hills terrain. I'm also assuming you made the scene, saved it, and next time you loaded CC, it gave you this error.

If this is the case, then what happened when you tried to create your Ketanot Hills scene was you didn't select "Create New" and instead loaded and edited the default saved Ketanot Hills scene, which modifies the original file and will give you an error such as the one you have.

The solution is installing CC again in a new location, and going to Cortex Command/Base.rte/Scenes/Ketanot Hills.ini and moving it to the same location in your current botched CC directory, replacing the one you have.

If this doesn't solve your problem, again reinstalling is probably the only solution to a modified Base.rte file that you don't know of.

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