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A confusing error
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Author:  Cadwaller [ Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  A confusing error

Hi, I'm new to modding in Cortex Command, and recently I copied a turret from coalition.rte into a new folder I made. To test it before editing it, I changed its name to "A.ini", included it in my index, and launched the game. When it got to the part where the index included my turret, it said "failed to include data file in line 6" and quit.
I checked for syntax errors and couldn't find any. Please help me!

Heres the index:

ModuleName = The Red Skull Bandits
IconFile = ContentFile
Path = Coalition.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp
IncludeFile = Extra.rte/Mini Pistol.ini
IncludeFile = Extra.rte/A.ini

Author:  Some_stranger [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A confusing error

Are they both a capital "A"? If they are not, Cortex Command will not read them.

Author:  LowestFormOfWit [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A confusing error

Cadwaller wrote:
Hi, I'm new to modding in Cortex Command, and recently I copied a turret from coalition.rte into a new folder I made. To test it before editing it, I changed its name to "A.ini", included it in my index, and launched the game. When it got to the part where the index included my turret, it said "failed to include data file in line 6" and quit.
I checked for syntax errors and couldn't find any. Please help me!

Heres the index:

ModuleName = The Red Skull Bandits
IconFile = ContentFile
Path = Coalition.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp
IncludeFile = Extra.rte/Mini Pistol.ini
IncludeFile = Extra.rte/A.ini

This could happen for a couple reasons:
1) A.ini has something wrong with it inside.
2) The Extra.rte doesn't include A.ini in it. Make sure A.ini isn't in a subfolder.

Best thing to do would be to upload A.ini so we can take a look.

Author:  Cadwaller [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A confusing error

sorry for not responding, I lost my account for awhile. thanks for the advice, I will look into it!

sincerelly, Cadwaller

Author:  RagingDande [ Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A confusing error

do you have an Index.ini for your turrent?

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