Data Realms Fan Forums

Problem with AI using DSTech v2.0
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Author:  IceSilver [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Problem with AI using DSTech v2.0

Ok, since someone decided to be funny and merge this thread with the Darkstorm under Mod releases, I'll quote the entries already done for this thread

IceSilver wrote:
So After annihilating the enemy with various mods, I decided to add in the challenge that is DSTech.

I comment in the bit at the bottom of it's Index.ini file so it will make it read Activities.ini and add DSTech AI.

I start up grasslands, go to the Buy menu to spawn but the game freezes. I alt-tab out, bring up Task Manager and CC has crashed giving me this error box

Cortex Crash.bmp
Cortex Crash.bmp [ 242.14 KiB | Viewed 2553 times ]

This is making me sad because DSTech is awesome and I'd really love to actually fight AGAINST them

CaveCricket48 wrote:
To fight against a faction of choice:
1. Comment out current activities
2. Copy that activities and paste it into the faction folder you want to fight
3. Find the activity "GABaseDefense" and edit that to have the names of the faction's contents
4. Go into the faction folder's "Index.ini" and type in at the very last line:
   IncludeFile = Faction.rte/ActivitieName.ini

Change the names to match the folders and ini's of course.
5. Start up CC and enjoy.

IceSilver wrote:
I'll see if I can figure it out but some reason this seems REALLY confusing

I tried it but the game's ragequitting with this message

Cortex Ragequit.bmp
Cortex Ragequit.bmp [ 267.15 KiB | Viewed 2553 times ]

piipu wrote:
You need to do CopyOf = DSTech.rte/whateverpresetname when referencing other .rtes

I'm going to assume [PRESETNAME] is like the name of the unit. So should I just put CopyOf = DSTech.rte/ infront of EVERY DSTech item in the activites file? (sorry, I'm new to this method of editing but I should pick it up fast)

Author:  piipu [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem with AI using DSTech v2.0

Yes, that should make it work.

Author:  IceSilver [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem with AI using DSTech v2.0

well that didnt help at all...

I've uploaded my Activities file (the one INSIDE the DSTech folder).
The game is still complaining about the exact same section, and this is becoming quite annoying. Has anyone got any ideas (hopefully the guy who made DSTech may see this)

Activities.ini [9.59 KiB]
Downloaded 202 times

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