Data Realms Fan Forums

help on numgun's zombie mod
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Author:  DummyFaction [ Sun May 03, 2009 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  help on numgun's zombie mod

it's really epic, but when i try to do another elite zombie (duplication) in it's own ini (yes i've tried to make another ini file and included) but it failed to load, it said that it cannot read line 1 orrr line 647 (the first command line of making an actor) and this is what i coded
I don't know what's wrong :???:
AddActor = AHuman

which i tried to copy and paste, and retype the damn thing, but no use, it said it couldn't match property and it's damn hard to order elite zombie and weapon and zombie and weapon for 4 times (and i need to order other soldiers too), hopefully B23 with the presets will fix this.

also when delete it and leave it, it can't line line 1 of the EliteZombie.ini which I DID NOT TOUCH

Author:  Disst [ Sun May 03, 2009 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: help on numgun's zombie mod

Why the hell did you make a new topic. This belongs in the thread of the mod.

Author:  DummyFaction [ Sun May 03, 2009 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: help on numgun's zombie mod

3POK_PHALE wrote:
Why the hell did you make a new topic. This belongs in the thread of the mod.

oh sorry, please move

Edit : nevermind just delete this thread, i'll post it in the apoc mod thread

Edit : sorry i'm really new to the forums :|

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