Data Realms Fan Forums

Keyboard commands not working
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Author:  Johnni [ Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Keyboard commands not working

I'm trying to do the tutorial, but I cannot use W to use my jetpack like it tells me. I can walk back and forth with A and D, although to switch bodies I had to use U and V instead of Q and E like it was set in my options. Odd!

Also, the tutorial seems to not know which commands I have set. It will tell me "Use the [] or [] keys..." and other times "Use [W] to..."

One time I was able to use the jetpack by going into the configuration menu, checking each player's key config (I thought the program was using a different player's command set) and then I could use the jetpack but could no longer walk. What is going on? Why does it not use Player 1's key commands?

Author:  Johnni [ Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Keyboard commands not working

Nevermind, I fixed this by going into the control config and remapping each key as itself. Then the game recognized them.

Author:  sockpuppets [ Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Keyboard commands not working

Johnni wrote:
Nevermind, I fixed this by going into the control config and remapping each key as itself. Then the game recognized them.

Would you mind sending me this edited config?

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