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 help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body" 
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Joined: Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:09 am
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Post help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"

hi i ned ehpelp beacuse my focrtoex command crshede wenhervever i press "Body o n"
the menu and itttss gbasdo bad and i dont i leikt it becasue its not made me play in ewith extra mods ok so idsthis is the STOry:
ah yes and yedit : im TRY HE SAERCH BUTTON IT S NOT DESIRED RESULTS COME UP I LCICK "CRASH BODY MENU" eeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffff

i veb een starting to play cortex command again after several swweeks because my Delllll as broOKE and im starting 2 play ing it again becues it's An great gAem + plsu mods wooooooo so i literaly install more than 50 moda (or sfrom page 1 to 5 in the mod WIW pstu forum ) and itthen i mads installed THEM ALL in the my cortex command cfolder and then done and when is art it up some mods were out of udpated so i didnted instal them and emoved them after errors and we n it all goes well im about to lanuch my field in to the rock with crab sssss i pressed body on the mtoheain MENUUU and it wt are with the craash no error oranytinh it just FORZE there oomomozoi koalo d and i dont want that beacuse it dont make my game paly i and i want to play the game aand it dont loud my y to play my game ifs it s crashh and i dont want ti to play with fcrah and it dtont iand i cant pLYA it with out crashing beacuse its notot tpfun to paly it WITH ACRASHING so i remoed some mods frmo the folder until its down to liek 10major faction mods and then it works gok and i remoed the mods that i crthought it WAS MAMKING THE crash and it works ok and then i started int oinstall the mods that i tested and didnt make the carsh and the mods that i thught made the crash away from the folder so after some timee with 50 amuinute of BASE default designing i jstarted to play the game with iatathe thbraBIN ROBOTS and i press body on the menu and iTS crash but when I start to press otheroaliek (tools wopweons weapon dshields presets bsombS*())) it WORKS wbut wheni press body it WODOESTN WOR and k CRASH so i was iliek "WHY ME GODG IM GTRYING TO ENJOY KILING CRASB WITH MY ROCKSSSSSSSSSS" it hoguht i uninstalled the mods that iarhaerwe makin my CC carsh but its awasnt the mod bcause when i installed thein themods that i strsted and did carsh it crasrh again so im guesing its because of the qaunlity of the mods in the CC directory BUT my ocmputer after geting prepdrepaIRS before it could ahandles mislons fo mods im despred PALASE hlep

plase i awent to play it with the mods and but the crash dont aloow my to play with the mods because they jst crash and froze my corte x zzzzzzz comamnd and i dont want brahat because it donset alowed my to play my mods and it djut CRAH and i dont watn to tit to CRASH BECASUE IT doesnt wlallow my to to play wmy my myself and i want t o play with my cortex commnd and my copmtuer with PEESI and lsitenign to good amusic heavy coalition rnad thank u AND IT DONEST AWMKE MAKE ME PLAY IIT WITHBECAUSE OF THE CRASH AND IT DOENST mwork


Last edited by DummyFaction on Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:54 am
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
You need to remove the mods which have an actor in them with a name that has a string of letters longer than 11 letters without spaces in between. Alternatively, rename the offending actors or stick to B23 compatible mods.
Also, you may want to improve your grammar and spelling lest you be accused of being a poorly constructed troll; regardless of your current mental state, the amount of extra time it would take to properly proof read your post would probably have been returned more than exponentially in terms of useful reply speed.

Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:25 pm
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
this post is so horribly written than i am dizzy from trying to read it...
i think than i have motion sickness or something help me please.
ok now than i got that one out let me try an suggestion.
remove all of your mods and test them one by one to see what mod crashes cc.
(in case you did not understand how to follow allstones advise)

Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:43 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
I can't even read this, it's such a cluster*hearts*. I need to find some kind of burning troll sprite.

Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:33 pm
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
I looked at your other posts and they aren't foreign, and I can assume you aren't five.
I applaud your huge wall of gibberish.

Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:10 pm
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
what is this I don't even...

But seriously, I think a mod might have fudged up your settings.ini, I reccomend you re-install, or re-download.

Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:50 pm

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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
411570N3 wrote:
You need to remove the mods which have an actor in them with a name that has a string of letters longer than 11 letters without spaces in between. Alternatively, rename the offending actors or stick to B23 compatible mods.
Also, you may want to improve your grammar and spelling lest you be accused of being a poorly constructed troll; regardless of your current mental state, the amount of extra time it would take to properly proof read your post would probably have been returned more than exponentially in terms of useful reply speed.

ok im doing that now i had a bad keyboard that was stiff like a crab, i've tested some and it seems the vhoxon (or something of that kind) was making the crash, i'm not entirely sure since i haven't really tested others CC kept me distracted even thought i don't have to buy anything, and turns on this VHOXON mod is abandoned but what do you mean by string of letters longer than 11 letters without space in the between? isn't there lots of mods with those? the VHOXON mod DOES have those I think, well i'm off to test again cheers

vagyr wrote:
this post is so horribly written than i am dizzy from trying to read it...
i think than i have motion sickness or something help me please.
ok now than i got that one out let me try an suggestion.
remove all of your mods and test them one by one to see what mod crashes cc.
(in case you did not understand how to follow allstones advise)

ok i do that too? and in 5 eons i'll tell you the results

Benpasko wrote:
what is this I don't even...

But seriously, I think a mod might have fudged up your settings.ini, I reccomend you re-install, or re-download.

i dont know i reinstalled for 50 times now i am sad i ccry ;'(

Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:21 am
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
Buyable and placeable items are the only things that need to have the separation thing. An Actor with a PresetName of "This is a robot" would be fine, whereas an Actor with PresetName "Thisisarobot" would not be. Same thing with craft, guns, shields, or bombs.

Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:25 am

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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
Duh102 wrote:
Buyable and placeable items are the only things that need to have the separation thing. An Actor with a PresetName of "This is a robot" would be fine, whereas an Actor with PresetName "Thisisarobot" would not be. Same thing with craft, guns, shields, or bombs.


Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:43 am
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
DummyFaction wrote:

Is this The Night of the Strange Expressions or something?

Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:45 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
DummyFaction wrote:
Duh102 wrote:
Buyable and placeable items are the only things that need to have the separation thing. An Actor with a PresetName of "This is a robot" would be fine, whereas an Actor with PresetName "Thisisarobot" would not be. Same thing with craft, guns, shields, or bombs.


Hey, guess what just made it into my sig?

Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:02 am
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
DummyFaction wrote:
ok i do that too? and in 5 eons i'll tell you the results

i meant you to do this only for the mods you where not sure they where b23 compatible...
oh well problem solved so ok

Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:32 pm
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
You should try reading this out loud, trying to sound out the words.
It's funny. :grin:

Edit: i had to rewrite this since I had grammar programs, i got infected by dummyfaction's gibberish streak.

User was warned for non-contributing necro. -Duh

Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:11 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: help, too many mods make the game crash when pressing "body"
Necro. Hilarious in hindsight, but Necro nonetheless.

Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:16 am
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