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rte aborted!!! |
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Author: | vagyr [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | rte aborted!!! |
Abortion in file .\system\reader.ccp, line 530,because: Could not mach property in tau.rte/pulse rifle 1shot/pulserifle1shot.ini at line 5! The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp' that is the exact error i have... the code is Code: AddEffect = Attachable InstanceName = Sniper Pulse Muzzle ScreenEffect = ContentFile FilePath = Tau.rte/Pulse Rifle auto fire/pulseglow.bmp Mass = 0 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 0 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = Tau.rte/Pulse Rifle auto fire/pulsebeam.bmp FrameCount = 2 SpriteOffset = Vector X = 0 //-8 Y = -9 AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Air Resolution = 2 Depth = 100 DeepGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Air Resolution = 3 Depth = 100 DeepCheck = 0 JointStrength = 10000 JointStiffness = 1 DrawAfterParent = 0 AddEffect = MOPixel InstanceName = Particle Rail Glow Mass = 0.013 //RestThreshold = 500 GlobalAccScalar = 0 LifeTime = 500 Sharpness = 0.0001 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 0 Color = Color R = 0 G = 0 B = 200 Atom = Atom Material = Material CopyOf = Bullet Metal TrailColor = Color R = 200 G = 200 B = 255 TrailLength = 4 ScreenEffect = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Effects/Glows/BlueSmall.bmp EffectStartTime = 0 EffectStopTime = 500 EffectStartStrength = 1.0 EffectStopStrength = 0.1 EffectAlwaysShows = 1 AddEffect = MOPixel InstanceName = Particle 1 Mass = 0.05 RestThreshold = 500 LifeTime = 300 Sharpness = 50 HitsMOs = 1 GetsHitByMOs = 0 Color = Color R = 255 G = 255 B = 255 Atom = Atom Material = Material CopyOf = Metal TrailColor = Color R = 100 G = 100 B = 255 TrailLength = 40 AddAmmo = AEmitter PresetName = Particle Rail Rifle Mass = 4 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 0 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = Coalition.rte/Devices/Rifles/SniperCasing.bmp LifeTime = 1 FrameCount = 1 SpriteOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = -9 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 2 Depth = 0 DeepGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 1 DeepCheck = 1 AddEmission = Emission EmittedParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Particle 1 ParticlesPerMinute = 1 BurstSize = 2 Spread = 0.0 MaxVelocity = 220 MinVelocity = 190 PushesEmitter = 0 AddEmission = Emission EmittedParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Particle Rail Glow ParticlesPerMinute = 1 BurstSize = 6 Spread = 0.0 MaxVelocity = 120 MinVelocity = 10 PushesEmitter = 0 AddEmission = Emission EmittedParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Particle Rail Glow PresetName = Particle Rail Glow Large ScreenEffect = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Effects/Glows/BlueBig.bmp EffectStartTime = 0 EffectStopTime = 500 EffectStartStrength = 0.9 EffectStopStrength = 0.1 EffectAlwaysShows = 1 ParticlesPerMinute = 1 BurstSize = 3 Spread = 0.0 MaxVelocity = 100 MinVelocity = 10 PushesEmitter = 0 EmissionEnabled = 1 EmissionsIgnoreThis = 0 BurstTriggered = 1 AddAmmo = Round InstanceName = Round 1 ParticleCount = 1 Particle = AEmitter CopyOf = Particle Rail Rifle Shell = None FireVelocity = 10 ShellVelocity = 0 Separation = 0 AddAmmo = Magazine InstanceName = Magazine Pulse Mass = 2 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 0 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Null.bmp FrameCount = 1 SpriteOffset = Vector X = 28 Y = -5 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Grass Resolution = 2 Depth = 0 DeepGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Grass Resolution = 3 Depth = 1 DeepCheck = 1 JointStrength = 200 JointStiffness = 1 JointOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = -3 ParentOffset = Vector X = 1 Y = 0 DrawAfterParent = 0 RoundCount = 50 RTTRatio = 4 RegularRound = Round CopyOf = Round 1 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSParticle CopyOf = Tiny Smoke Ball 1 Count = 10 Spread = 1 MaxVelocity = 4 MinVelocity = 4 GibImpulseLimit = 0.00001 AddDevice = HDFirearm PresetName = Pulse Rifle/single fire Description = The Tau have developed rifle-sized plasma weapons immune to ovetrheat and catostrophic failure, a feat never before acheived, not even by the Eldar. They are used as standard-issue weapons. They have a high armor penetration value(medioum range)this weapon has been seted on single fire. AddToGroup = Weapons AddToGroup = T'au Mass = 20 HitsMOs = 0 GetsHitByMOs = 1 SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = Tau.rte/Pulse Rifle 1shot/pulserifle.bmp FrameCount = 2 SpriteOffset = Vector X = -16 Y = -7 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal GoldValue = 150 AtomGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 0 DeepGroup = AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 10 DeepCheck = 1 JointStrength = 75 JointStiffness = 0.5 JointOffset = Vector X = -3 Y = 3 DrawAfterParent = 0 StanceOffset = Vector X = 6 Y = 5 SharpStanceOffset = Vector X = 7 Y = -2 SupportOffset = Vector X = 5 Y = 4 SharpLength = 480 Magazine = Magazine CopyOf = Magazine Pulse ParentOffset = Vector X = 3 Y = 1 Flash = Attachable CopyOf = Sniper Pulse Muzzle FireSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Tau.rte/Pulse Rifle 1shot/shot.ogg AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Tau.rte/Pulse Rifle 1shot/shot2.ogg EmptySound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Tau.rte/Pulse Rifle 1shot/empty.ogg ReloadStartSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Tau.rte/Pulse Rifle 1shot/relostart.ogg ReloadEndSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Tau.rte/Pulse Rifle 1shot/reloend.ogg RateOfFire = 50 ReloadTime = 2000 FullAuto = 0 FireIgnoresThis = 1 ShakeRange = 0 SharpShakeRange = 0 NoSupportFactor = 0 ParticleSpreadRange = 2 ShellSpreadRange = 8 ShellAngVelRange = 2 MuzzleOffset = Vector X = 40 Y = 0 EjectionOffset = Vector X = -8 Y = -1 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1 Count = 6 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 20 MinVelocity = 8 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Spark Yellow 2 Count = 5 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 20 MinVelocity = 8 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Drop Oil Count = 4 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 10 MinVelocity = 1 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSParticle CopyOf = Gib Metal Rust Micro A Count = 6 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 15 MinVelocity = 5 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOSParticle CopyOf = Gib Metal Grey Micro A Count = 18 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 15 MinVelocity = 5 GibWoundLimit = 18 i have no idea what the error is or what i can do!!! please help!!! |
Author: | 411570N3 [ Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:10 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: rte aborted!!! |
Try giving the Sniper Pulse Muzzle 0.01 mass? |
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