Data Realms Fan Forums

Mod actors / weapons not in list while using Scene Editor
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Author:  Quibble [ Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Mod actors / weapons not in list while using Scene Editor

Hello everyone! I'm really enjoying the game, so glad I found it! Completely by accident no less! Anyway, I signed up to ask a question regarding the Scene Editor. I have installed two mods, the Space Marine and Ork actor packs. They work fine while playing the game but I can't add them while creating a scene, as they don't appear anywhere in the list of placeable items.

I did a forum search and I couldn’t find anything on this, only how to make the enemy AI spawn modded items during a skirmish.

Can anyone help? Thanks :)

Author:  Bladecat4 [ Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mod actors / weapons not in list while using Scene Editor

You don't want to add them in, because then the scene won't work. Can't remember why. Something do to with Base.rte/scenes. I think Base loads the scenes before the mods are loaded, so the objects are undefinded and the map doesn't load, crashing the whole game. But if you must, click create new map in the editor, and choose a mod module to get the vanilla stuff and the mod stuff. Enjoy your broken game.

Author:  Quibble [ Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mod actors / weapons not in list while using Scene Editor

Oh right...

I had a bit of a fiddle and although the game reports no errors, I can't seem to populate the list with the mods. But I'll try it the way you suggested, sounds good enough to get me going! Cheers.

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