Data Realms Fan Forums

Game crashes at line 7 of ronin index, but nothing is wrong.
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Author:  pieman280 [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Game crashes at line 7 of ronin index, but nothing is wrong.

I heard about the anti-gravity chocolate Easter egg, and went to find it. I did nothing to the index itself, however when I start the game back up it crashes and sent an error at the ronin index at line 7. I looked at it, and it was normal. I tried again... same thing. I checked everything including the file that the index was set to. Then I decided to just comment it out. it said the same thing! I tried shifting stuff around, and the only thing diffrent was "error at line 8". And I can't delete the folder because it tells me it's being used by something else (?????)

here's my index at it's current state.
   ModuleName = Ronin Faction
   IconFile = ContentFile
      Path = Ronin.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp
   IncludeFile = Ronin.rte/Devices/Weapons/Index.ini
   IncludeFile = Ronin.rte/Devices/Explosives/Explosives.ini
   IncludeFile = Ronin.rte/Actors/RoninActors.ini
   IncludeFile = Ronin.rte/Devices/Tools/Shovel.ini

Author:  jaybud4 [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Game crashes at line 7 of ronin index, but nothing is wrong.

This may sound completely obvious, but have you tried, you know, restarting the computer?
If it's in-use, you're going to get all kinds of crazy issues.

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