Attention anyone getting a .rte error with a "\" Character!
this seems to happen a lot more on mac than windows, but who knows. this should help a lot of people.
for some reason, some .ini files end up with a \ character rather than a / character in places.
to fix any errors containing this, you need to open the find tool (on macs (cmmd+f)) or the replace tool (on windows (ctrl+h)) and replace every "\" character with a "/" character.
mac example
find: \
replace: /
click replace all
windows example
find: \
replace: /
click replace all
this should cut down on all the abortscreens and .rte error screenshots posted.
NB: some mods still dont work. for some reason, DSTech froze CC when played on a PPC iMac, no idea why. it loaded completely, but whenever an actual game started (from campaign or skirmish) the game presented itself as a black screen that was unresponsive.