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Problems with activities.ini editting
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Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Problems with activities.ini editting

I copied the last part of this activity.ini, and pasted it at the end. Then I changed some stuff like add in some firearms for the actor. When I start CC it says something wrong on line 66, exactly the line where I added my part of the activity. Can anyone find what's wrong with it? I'm posting the whole activities.ini here.

AddActivity = GABaseDefense
PresetName = Skirmish Defense
SceneName = Grasslands
TeamCount = 2
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
TeamOfPlayer2 = 1
FundsOfTeam1 = 10000
FundsOfTeam2 = 10000
CPUTeam = 1
Difficulty = 3
SpawnIntervalEasiest = 20000
SpawnIntervalHardest = 8000

//light spaceman
AddAttackerSpawn = ACRocket
CopyOf = Rocket MK1
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = EVA Clone
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = LMI Gun
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Plasma Arc Pistol
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Medium Digger

//more spacemen
AddAttackerSpawn = ACRocket
CopyOf = Rocket MK2
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = EVA Clone
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = LMI Flechette
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Plasma Arc Pistol
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Light Digger
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = EVA Engineer
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Plasma Injector
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Medium Digger

AddAttackerSpawn = ACDropShip
CopyOf = Drop Ship MK1
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = Power Suit
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Catarpillar Gun
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Plasma Arc Pistol
AddInventory = HeldDevice
CopyOf = Riot Shield

AddAttackerSpawn = ACDropShip
CopyOf = Drop Ship MK1
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = Power Suit
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = LMI Cannon

AddAttackerSpawn = ACDropShip << Line 66
CopyOf = Drop Ship MK1
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = Power Suit
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = LMI Cannon
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Medium Digger

Author:  Geti [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems with activities.ini editting

have you either put this in the .rte with the mod in it or referenced the mod in missions.rte?

Author:  Gotcha! [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems with activities.ini editting

Can you pm me the file itself?
Or, yes, what Geti said. You're probably trying to load your added material (from within the missions.rte activities) while the mod itself isn't loaded yet.

Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems with activities.ini editting

The activities.ini is in the mod.rte file. If I don't temper with the activities, CC would run well.

What I did was commented out all activities in all index files in all folders, including the one in the base.rte, leaving only the one in the mod.rte running.

Then it got stuck.

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