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Running game with mods on OSX; get error message.
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Author:  NiNjA! [ Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Running game with mods on OSX; get error message.

UPDATE: Tek and Darkstorm mods run flawless, it seems to be mod related.

I have tried several different mods (one at the time), all mods resulted in the same error.

I have placed the mod folders in the CC resources folder.

I have seen several other OSX users report this error in different mod-threads. Have anyone found a solution?

This is the error message, the file seems to be random. If I delete it, the next file is reported.


Best Regards,

edit: I noticed that the error message above actually reports a file in the coalition folder, but this error occurs while the Bear Federation mod is installed. I guess there is some sort of reference to this file in the BF data. While trying the DSTech mod, the error is repported in DSTech.rte\Wounds\DSCwound\DSCwound000

Author:  Coops150 [ Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Running game with mods on OSX; get error message.

It's saying it cant find the file with that path.

Here, replace your coalition file with this one.

if it still doesn't work than reinstall CC.

Also some of the mods people post don't work or have some error when your downloading it and just skips it.

Author:  NiNjA! [ Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Running game with mods on OSX; get error message.

Same result. Even after re-install.

The files that trigger the error message is there, and as soon as i remove any mods, the game starts normally.

Some error messages refer to files in existing folders, some refer to files in the mod folder. (depending on mod)

Something is up with the Mac version of CC b.22 and using mods.

Are there any OSX users that are runnings mods fine?

Author:  NiNjA! [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Running game with mods on OSX; get error message.

Update, Tek and Darkstorm mods run flawless.

Just a temporary compatibility issue for some mods with the new Mac build perhaps.

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