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Game does not start. No error message
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Author:  Lowen SoDium [ Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Game does not start. No error message

I downloaded B22 the other day and it will not start.

It gives no error message or feed back as to what the problem is. I try and run it and nothing happens.

The program is not listed as running in Task Manager.

I am running Vista 64.

I have tries uninstalling and reinstalling

I have tried installing it as admin.

I have tried running it was admin.

I have updated my video drivers.

I have tried disabling my AV.

I have tries enabling and disabling UAC.

I have tried setting compatibility mode for the exe to Windows XP SP2.

I have tried installing in to a dir not in c:\program files (x86)

Nothing makes any difference.

There is nothing wrong with my system other than this one game will not run. And trust me, it gets a lot of heavy use on lots and lot of other programs ranging from Video editing to video games.

Any one have some suggestions?

Author:  Gedou [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game does not start. No error message

1. God hates you.
2. God hates you.
3. Your comp sucks.
4. Vista sucks.
5. Cortex Command doesnt like Vista.
6. You have to DOUBLE-CLICK it.
7. God hates you.
8. I luv chocholate chip cookehz.

Author:  Wizard James [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game does not start. No error message

Hmm i got vista 64, No problems (just installed it to test)

My cat sitting on my lap says you might be missing ... layLang=en but should be by default in vista. Meh worth a try.

Also Lowen SoDium:

Gedou, Keep you're religious views to you're self, Vista does not suck, thats you're opinion. Chocolate chip cookies are good, but are off topic.

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