Data Realms Fan Forums

Settings.ini wiped twice this week
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Author:  Bullion [ Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Settings.ini wiped twice this week

And the hits keep on coming (noticed I already made a "HALP ME" topic one day ago)

Self explaining. Twice this week when I tried to start the game up It gave me an error about line 1 in the settings.ini. When I check I find it to be completely empty and have to copy the original contents from a back up install. If this happened once maybe every month or two I wouldn't worry but now I'm hoping either b23 stops it or there's something in my install (re-installed after the first wipe) that I can tweak slightly.

Author:  Kelas [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Settings.ini wiped twice this week

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