Data Realms Fan Forums

Resolution Errors in b22
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Author:  Bullion [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Resolution Errors in b22

Resolution Not supported, goes back to default VGA mode, whatever that it.

Ok I deleted all mods, made a clean install, re-registered it, and it still refuses to go to full 1440x900 when it was working fine before (except for crashing occasionally). This occurred after my settings.ini got wiped in the old install and replacing it from another install caused this. Hitting 2x windowed mode instantly reverts back to the smaller window.

I realize no one enjoys answering the help request of someone with one post but I was sure I had posted here before. The reg email is from at least a month ago :o

Author:  undertech [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resolution Errors in b22

Try editing settings.ini and manually inputting the desired resolution. Also, make sure nxwindowed = 1 if you are not using fullscreen.

Author:  Bullion [ Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resolution Errors in b22

Well damn me :oops:

I tried putting the resolution in manually before but I forgot to hit alt+enter to make it fullscreen. Setting the resolution in-game while in fullscreen fixed it and changing the nxwindowed value to 0. Thanks

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