Data Realms Fan Forums

Paypal bought, no key received
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Author:  Inuyashe [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Paypal bought, no key received

I have bought the game today through paypal, but I have not received an e-mail with further instructions yet.
What gives? I also sent an mail to that plimus thing. No answer.
Thanks in advance.

Author:  p3lb0x [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal bought, no key received

Depends, how long have you waited? It usually takes between 2 and 15 minutes before you receive your key
you could send a pm to scancode who is the person responsible for the games registration system

Author:  Lord Tim [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal bought, no key received

If your Paypal account is set up to get money from your bank account instead of a credit card, you may have to wait up to 5 days for them to actually transfer the money. It's happened to me before. If not, you could also try emailing scancode, I don't know how often he checks his PMs.

Author:  Inuyashe [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal bought, no key received

scancode already contacted me.
I gave him a copy of my paypal e-mail and he said he would generate a new code for me.
Bless his soul.

Author:  scancode [ Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paypal bought, no key received

Inuyashe wrote:
scancode already contacted me.
I gave him a copy of my paypal e-mail and he said he would generate a new code for me.
Bless his soul.

I think this was SOLVED.

If it wasn't, feel free to contact me.

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