Data Realms Fan Forums

Controls are "Jamming"
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Author:  Chac [ Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Controls are "Jamming"

First i want to complement DRL for build 22, I just bought it, and the music and new features are awesome. I can't wait for the full release. It was worth every penny (though i probably wouldn't have bought it if it were 30)

(I also uhh... accidentally bought it. Long story)

Anyway, when I play this build something happens that doesn't happen in the others, after I played a few matches, my controls started jamming. So I can only still walk left and right, and aim/shoot. That's it, I can't use my jetpack or switch bodies or do anything. Anyone knows how to fix this?

EDIT: Oh, and after a while it says there was an error in Cortex Command and that they had to terminate the application, and they are apparently sorry for the inconvenience.

EDIT2: Oh, wrong forum. If someone here can move it to the "bugs" section i'd appreciate it

Author:  hideokuze [ Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Controls are "Jamming"

usually your keyboard only allows for so many keys to be used simultaneously.

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