Data Realms Fan Forums

CC Crashes when opening the buy menu.
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Author:  Rederick [ Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  CC Crashes when opening the buy menu.

Hi, i got a problem.

when i start , starts fine. i can play with just only 1 thing, because when i press the left click to open the buy menu, it crashes. i dont know if is a problem of the pc, or the game. i reinstalled 5 times. im chilean, i speak spanish, and the error is the "no send i think. because in spanish is"no enviar", that is when something crashes and you get a window that says,"sorry, there was a problem on the program bla bla bla.......". I really want to play this game. that didnt happened with other builds.

PS:sorry for my bad english, i speak better than i write.

Author:  shelleyerest2000 [ Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CC Crashes when opening the buy menu.

yea some mods do that.. you have to weed through them removing them and seeing which one it is..

when it happened to me i had 50 billion mods and when i would go to the bombs menu it would freeze

aal bombs= when clicking bombs freezes

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