Data Realms Fan Forums

Rocket Landing ERROR (crash to desktop)
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Author:  Droqen [ Sun Nov 09, 2008 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Rocket Landing ERROR (crash to desktop)

Cortex Command.exe - Application Error

The exception unknown software exception (0x000000d) occurred in
the application at location 0x75968aa0.

Click on OK to terminate the program

(I decided this was easier than hosting an image)

I get this error, seemingly randomly, at some point - sometimes - during the rocket's vertical landing in Zombie Cave.
Additionally, I get the same error during skirmish. I can only assume it is the rocket landing offscreen? It is very unlikely that it would be related to what I am doing at the time. (I'm doing different things when it happens... as well as it's the same error by numbers & such)

Any ideas? Possible assistance? :3

edit - One more thing, I'm running Vista. Reinstalling didn't fix. Running as admin doesn't fix.

Author:  Electroclan [ Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zombie Cave doesn't like rocket landing?

Well, I have no idea about this. Judging by the number of replies, not many else do either.

Only thing I can recommend is to uninstall and reinstall Cortex Command, seems to fix plenty of bugs.

Also if you are on Vista, be sure to run the program as administrator. Don't know if that helps but, you never know with software.

Author:  Droqen [ Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zombie Cave doesn't like rocket landing?

Hey, cool, a response :3

I'll try un-reinstalling,

but Administrator didn't work. It did seem to make me able to skip the ALT-ENTER FOR FULLSCREEN message when before I wasn't, though. Very minor, but maybe important.

edit - And unfortunately un-reinstalling didn't work either :< I'll give some other things a try, maybe. I wonder if anyone can figure out what the error message is pointing to

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