Data Realms Fan Forums

Map Glitch causing serious fugly!
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Author:  RedSarge [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Map Glitch causing serious fugly!

Hi, I used the Scene Editor to make a custom map with some objects on it like pop machines, blue clone tank, and lights ect. Not too many of them though.

When I start up the map in CC the sky all messed up!
The ground texture is all over the sky until you fly an actor or ship really high up.
Its super distracting and ruins my whole base that I created, by not being able to tell what is the ground and what is the sky.

*pic attached*

the upload system doesn't allow ANYTHING because it sucks b*lls!
FRACK been trying to upload.. jpg = no, png = no, bmp = no... forget it!
Im using image hosting.


Author:  Foa [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Map Glitch causing serious fugly!

RedSarge wrote:
Hi, I used the Scene Editor to make a custom map with some objects on it like pop machines, blue clone tank, and lights ect. Not too many of them though.

When I start up the map in CC the sky all messed up!
The ground texture is all over the sky until you fly an actor or ship really high up.
Its super distracting and ruins my whole base that I created, by not being able to tell what is the ground and what is the sky.

*pic attached*

the upload system doesn't allow ANYTHING because it sucks b*lls!
FRACK been trying to upload.. jpg = no, png = no, bmp = no... forget it!
Im using image hosting.


Why don't you use the image tags?

And I've had this whenever I upped the resolution and then played Klone Soccer, the BG glitched and it became whatever player 2 saw.

Author:  Grif [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Map Glitch causing serious fugly!

The forum doesn't allow you to attach images because you shouldn't be wasting the forum bandwidth or data storage to host a single image.

Author:  RedSarge [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Map Glitch causing serious fugly!

Why are you bothering to post in this thread just to tell me that I could potentially be wasting bandwidth?

I'll wait till someone actually answer my problem from equal footing, not a soap box.

Author:  Grif [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Map Glitch causing serious fugly!

Why are you bothering to post this in your thread if you don't actually care about the answer?

the upload system doesn't allow ANYTHING because it sucks b*lls!
FRACK been trying to upload.. jpg = no, png = no, bmp = no... forget it!
Im using image hosting.

What game resolution are you playing on? Have you modified anything in Base.rte, specifically /Scenes/ or in Settings.ini?

Author:  RedSarge [ Tue Oct 07, 2008 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Map Glitch causing serious fugly!

Res: 640 x 480
Base.rte has intergrated Bunker Modules mod "BMCP.rte" installed.

My Inde.ini is like this..
   IncludeFile = Base.rte/Materials.ini
   IncludeFile = Base.rte/Sounds.ini
   IncludeFile = Base.rte/Effects.ini
   IncludeFile = Base.rte/Ammo.ini
   IncludeFile = Base.rte/Devices.ini
   IncludeFile = Base.rte/Actors.ini
//   IncludeFile = Base.rte/Activities.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Arrow/Arrow.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/BarbedWire/Wire.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Blast Door/Doors.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Blast Door/Bunker Modules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/BunkerEnhanced/Modules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/BunkerEn-RSet/Modules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Doors/Doormods.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Cauldron/Cauldron.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/DuhModulePack/Actors/Doors.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/DuhModulePack/BunkerModules/BunkerModules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/EBunkerModules/BunkerModules/EBunkerModules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Extra Bunkermodules/Materials.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Extra Bunkermodules/Bunkermodules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Extramodules/Modules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Gauntlet/Gauntlet.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Grif Bunker/Bunker/BunkerModules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Grif Bunker/Bunker/BrainDoor.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Heavy Turret/Gibs.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Heavy Turret/Gun.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Heavy Turret/Actor.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Heavy Turret/Scenes/Turret Test 2.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Laserdoor/Laserdoor.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Map Objects/Map Objects.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Maproom/Maproom.ini
   IncludeFile = Base.rte/Actors/Clones/Clones.ini  //If you load this in the Base.rte comment this out
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Objects/PopWine.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Objects/Effects.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Objects/Stuff.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Objects/Pieces.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Passive Defenses full/Walls.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Rocks/Modules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/SK-PRR/SKPRR.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Spear/Spear.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/TBunkerTiles/tbteffects.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/TBunkerTiles/tbtwall.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/TBunkerTiles/tbtbg.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/TBunkerTiles/tbtdeco.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/TBunkerTiles/tbtlight.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Thanatos Modules/Modules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/TroubledWaters/Bridge.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/VentilationSet/BunkerModules.ini
   IncludeFile = BMCP.rte/Windows/BunkerModules.ini
   IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes.ini

I just noticed that since my Base.rte/"Index.ini" is loading Base/"Actors.ini" I don't need to load "Base.rte/Actors/Clones/Clones.ini"

So I commented out:
// IncludeFile = Base.rte/Actors/Clones/Clones.ini

I will see how that works.

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