Data Realms Fan Forums

Launch problem with Cyborg Ninja?
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Author:  biodude94566 [ Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Launch problem with Cyborg Ninja?

Throwing an error while trying to boot the latest free download as of September 27 '08. I'm guessing it's build 21.

Abortion in file .\System\Reader.cpp, line 530, because:

Could not match properly in Cyborg Ninja.rte\Materials.ini at line 5!

The last frame has been dumped to "abortscreen.bmp".

I think if I can find this abortscreen I *might* be able to fix this on my own. I tried looking through the forums already, but there's too many undescriptive thread titles, so I don't know what I'm going to find in the thread.

Author:  Lord Tim [ Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Launch problem with Cyborg Ninja?

It looks like you've got an old/errorful mod.

Either delete the "Cyborg Ninja.rte" folder or move it until you get the game to work.

Also, abortdump.bmp is in the Cortex Command folder where you installed it. Along with the Cyborg Ninja folder.

Author:  Grif [ Sun Sep 28, 2008 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Launch problem with Cyborg Ninja?

Abortscreen.bmp just shows a screenshot of the game as it was when it crashed. It's in the Cortex Command directory.

Rather obviously the problem is with the Cyborg Ninja mod.

If it's not vital, I'd suggest totally removing any previous installations before installing B21, or installing B21 to a seperate location.

Author:  biodude94566 [ Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Launch problem with Cyborg Ninja?

Alright, I've decided to delete the Data Realms folder from Program Files and I'm reinstalling everything. If that doesn't work, I'll see about deleting just Cyborg Ninja.rte

It was a fresh installation, so no modding.

Author:  Lord Tim [ Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Launch problem with Cyborg Ninja?

Where did you get it from? Because a fresh installation does not come with "Cyborg Ninja.rte"

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