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Unregistering and The Seperate Partition (Book 5)
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Author:  CherryT [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Unregistering and The Seperate Partition (Book 5)

I have my registered Cortex Command installation installed on a separate Windows XP partition which I currently cannot access. I need to format that partition so I can use it again and I can access the drive with a Windows Vista installation. I have already sent [email protected] an e-mail with my key. My question is this: am I ok to format or is there anything else I need to do?

Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unregistering and The Seperate Partition (Book 5)

It's ok to format the partition.

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