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Help getting mod activities to work
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Author:  RedSonSuperDave [ Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Help getting mod activities to work

Well, I'm having a strange crash which happens with almost any mod. I can run 90% of the mods on this forum just fine, as long as I don't edit my activities.ini in my base.rte folder.

Now if I want to use the activities that come with most mods, my understanding of how to do it is that I have to go into my base.rte folder, open up activities.ini, and delete everything from THIS line down:

AddActivity = GABaseDefense <--This Line
Instancename = Skirmish Defense

This is the third and last time "AddActivity = GABaseDefense" appears in my base.rte/activities.ini file. Supposedly, after doing this, whichever mod I'm using should take over and use its own activities, so instead of fighting the standard set of default actors using default weapons, I'll be fighting the mod-specific enemy loadout.

However, this almost never works. I have successfully used this method to fight against the CRobos and the KMF, but when I try to use it to fight against the DarkStorm or Toybox actors, the game crashes to desktop with the "Cortex Command has encountered a problem and needs to close" message instantly as soon as I click on a difficulty setting.

I would assume that I had messed something up in my Base.rte/activities.ini file, but I just now tested it, and the exact same activities.ini file will let me fight the CRobos but not the DarKlones. The only thing I changed to test this was to unselect the check next to "DarkStorm" and select the check next to "CRobotech" in the Mod Manager. If I had screwed up my files somehow, I doubt the game would let me play against some mods but not the rest.

What obvious factor am I missing? What am I doing wrong?

Author:  Gotcha! [ Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help getting mod activities to work

Do you use multiple mods with multiple activities.ini's? I think there might only be a possibility to load one activities at a time, since others loaded afterwards seem to be overruled from what I saw.
And I also think this problem automatically disables the ability to, for example, give Darklones AAL weapons. :???: Anyone?

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