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 is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC? 
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Post is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
I have a question- I have been doing alot of tweaking over the last couple days to attempt to get cortex command running at full speed consistently- It works at 500-300 frames a second at times, and then bumps down to 5 at other times. Is this just me, or is this game running smoothly for some people? I feel like my computer should not be lagging so badly on this game, cortex command is the only game to ever present a frame-rate issue to this computer.

I have 4 gigs of ram, a quad-core phenom 2 3.0ghz processor, and a nvidia GeForce GTX 460 SE GPU.

This thing runs star-craft 2 full settings without any slowdown- EVER. How is cortex command bogging it down every time an explosion happens? Is anyone getting consistent frame-rate, and if so, what kind of system are you running it on? I just want to know if this is a hardware issue and i should just keep tweaking, or if something else is wrong.

Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:09 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
It's the game. It uses the GPU very little and only one core at a time, so any large amount of particles coming into existence will bog the entire thing down.

Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:37 pm
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
TL:DR Yes but only if your computer offers it cookies first.

CC is pretty picky about what it needs (ENTIRELY DATA'S FAULT)

Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:12 pm
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
It currently prefers intel processors over AMD. It doesn't run any slower than 100 fps without anything nuke like. Max framerate was 2000.

Intel i5 (OC to 3.0 ghz, yes on a stock cooler I'm crazy)
3gb ram

Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:12 pm
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
i5/i7s tend to run the game the best, either due to system architecture advantages or just random chance. 4 gigs of RAM is plenty, and that alone will help you out with the game (it's a memory hog like few others), but as others have mentioned, the GPU becomes moot past the point of "it's able to refresh the pixels on my screen at 60hz".

Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:49 pm

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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
Is this ever going to change with later updates or tweaks, or will my AMD processesor be scoffed at by cortex command forevermore? It's such a shame that this is one of my favorite games and one of the only ones that I cant run :(

Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:42 am
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
I don't think that Data intends on optimizing the game much from what i've heard.

Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:32 am
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
The amount of RAM doesn't seem to affect the game speed at all. I know from personal experience. My old rundown PC can run CC almost as well as my new beast. Also, my PC is pretty darn good, and it lags down to 0.5 timescale when I let off a few Dummy Heavy HE bombs. Not cool.

Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:30 am
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
Major, you've clearly either never had cortex command running full speed, or your idea of "low RAM" is different to most.

sammyboy wrote:
Is this ever going to change with later updates or tweaks, or will my AMD processesor be scoffed at by cortex command forevermore? It's such a shame that this is one of my favorite games and one of the only ones that I cant run :( have you tried that yet?

Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:37 am
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happy carebear mom
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
Major wrote:
The amount of RAM doesn't seem to affect the game speed at all.

RAM only matters if you don't have enough. If you have enough, then you won't notice a difference getting more. If you don't have enough, the game will have to use HDD to cache things it would have put in RAM and will thus be very slow. This is the same with all computer applications.

Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:50 pm
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
Duh102 wrote:
Major wrote:
The amount of RAM doesn't seem to affect the game speed at all.

RAM only matters if you don't have enough. If you have enough, then you won't notice a difference getting more. If you don't have enough, the game will have to use HDD to cache things it would have put in RAM and will thus be very slow. This is the same with all computer applications.

What happens when you run out of HDD space?

Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:24 am
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
It dies?

Interesting point. I think you can't fill your HDD so there will always be room to cache stuff. Either that or it will just start killing of programs that don't have any space left.

Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:30 pm
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
If a program is taking up all of your available RAM and virtual RAM (HDD space converted to semi-rapid caching by the OS) then it doesn't get any more memory to use up.

Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:37 pm
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Post Re: is it possible to run at full speed without a beastly PC?
OP have you tried following the thread I posted yet?

Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:26 am
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