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 Skirmish Activities.ini 
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Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:24 pm
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Post Skirmish Activities.ini

I got a question or it could've been a problem. I got a mod that includes an activity ini file. The question is, as it is in a .rte folder, do I replace the Skirmish Activities.ini ( in Missions.rte) with the one where the mod provided (which is from the mod.rte)?

I've tried replacing the skirmish activities.ini with the one mod given, and I got some errors that says some weapons are missing or whatnot. Any ideas?

Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:44 pm
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Post Re: Skirmish Activities.ini
Do you have your original Missions.rte/Skirmish Activities.ini? You will need it.
Anyway, what you must do is edit Missions.rte/Index.ini.
There should be a line something in the way of "IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Skirmish Activities.ini"; add "//" in front of it, on the same line, without the quotation marks.
Then, if that mod is the only mod with activities then go into <Mod's Name>.rte/Index.ini and reference the Activities.ini below everything, some mods have it referenced automatically, meaning there is no need to do any major editing. Yet other mods have it commented out (with the aforementioned double forward slash) and therefore only require you to remove the double forward slash.
Then, if you find that the enemies spawned are of a different mod, enter that mod's .rte folder and open its Index.ini, looking for a line something in the way of "IncludeFile = <Mod's Name>.rte/Activities.ini". Do the same to it as you did to the Missions.rte Index, adding a double forward slash before the line.

Also, since other members are highly likely to say this I shall say this for them. This question has been asked and answered before, meaning that had you clicked the search button at the top of the page, just below the Data Realms title you could have found your answer without the need of posting a new thread. I reccomend you do this when possible, as many members seem to be somewhat enraged upon the event of newer members not doing this.

Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:44 am
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