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 Referring to an instance to copy from... Dummy faction. B22. 
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Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:41 am
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Post Referring to an instance to copy from... Dummy faction. B22.
So Cortex Command is sweet, etc., etc. I tinkered about with it and discovered the joys of editing a scene! I was testing the third or so build of my scene when Cortex Command crashed, randomly, with an error I didn't bother reading. When I tried to start it up again, I got this error: "Referring to an instance ('Dummy') to copy from that hasn't been defined! in Base.rte/Scenes/First.ini at line 274!"

Some searching the forum kicked up a similar error involving Grasslands; the user suggested reinstalling, so I obliged. I reinstalled Build 22 to no effect. I'm terribly lost as to what to do. The only mod I have "installed" is AAL.rte, which hasn't had any effect on the game. Everything is parsed correctly and if my lonely scene is omitted from Scenes.ini, the game loads fine. Create a new scene, add a Dummy and nothing else, save and test play, it works fine. Close and restart Cortex Command, however... It still fusses.

How can I get Bases.rte to see Dummy.rte? Is there anyway I can work the Dummy Faction into the main Bases.rte to get a workaround up and running?

I've tried changing "CopyOf = Dummy" to other things (such as changing the reference to ACrab and Dreadnought) and it still crashes. What's going on? A scene-less Cortex Command is a sad Cortex Command. =(

Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:57 am
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