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 TI-84 calculator programs 
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Post TI-84 calculator programs
Hello everybody! :)

So I am trying to write a simple program that displays a message when the calculator is turned on.

I have looked into some simple tutorials, searched Google, and a related forum, but found nothing on running programs on start up. I have made a program that displays the message when it's executed. Is there anyone who could possibly help or teach me how to make this program start automatically when the calculator is turned on? If this is possible.

And also if everyone wants this can just be a thread related to creating and sharing programs for such calculators.

Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:53 pm
Data Realms Elite
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: TI-84 calculator programs
Hehe, this stuff used to be the ♥♥♥♥ with my friends and me during high-school. I made an (unfinished) text adventure with another guy for it. Lots of other stuff too (programs displaying info relating to test subjects were pretty popular..). :P
Also played a lot of tetris, mario (the level editor was boss) and that kinda stuff on it.

The language is (some variant of) BASIC, if that's of any help. We kinda figured out how to use it as we went along, looking for stuff on the internet as needed. There's tutorials on it's specifics on some websites. I can't remember the forum I used to check for them though. I remember seeing threads on running programs at start up, but I don't know if or how this was accomplished.

Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:59 pm
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Post Re: TI-84 calculator programs
Adriaan wrote:
programs displaying info relating to test subjects were pretty popular....

Guilty as charged, although for some reason it's actually legal at my school.

I thought myself how to code it by trial and error, just trying out functions and seeming what inputs they need to work.

That said, what you're trying to do is close to impossible. You'd have to modify it's OS to do that.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:39 am
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