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 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions? 
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Post 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
What do you guys think about the 2012 thing that we extrapolated from Mayan beliefs? You think it's all a load of hooee or what?

I think that, if something does happen, Australia will be one of the first countries to find out - after New Zealand, Japan and Korea of course. But does that mean it happens at the same local time for everyone, or at a global time? I don't know.

I hope it results in the 'zombie apocalypse' though. Then all my preparation will be for something.

Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:48 am
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
I'd have a hard time updating my calendar if I was dead too.

When pumas start raining from the sky, I give you permission to call me and call me an idiot. Until then, it's a bunch of stupid crap that you shouldn't believe in if you have an IQ over 100.

Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:38 am
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
I didn't even remember the world was coming to an end this very year until about two weeks ago. From my point of view the Mayan thing is just people looking too much into numerology.

However is something does happen I think massive floods would just be underwhelming. I want the sun to just suddenly go supernova so that we get one final show before the end of the ride. That'd just be ♥♥♥♥ awesome.

Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:56 am
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
It's a load of bollocks. Carry on. Hope for some awesome pre-apocalypse sales or something.

Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:02 pm
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
All i have to say is, I shall be giggling triumphantly when we reach December 22nd and nothing catastrophic has happened. I also expect to be poking fun at people the day before. They want attention, so that's what i'm giving them. :U

Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:46 pm
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
Well I would hope that most people would have known that 2012 is just the end of another Mayan calendar, more specifically December 21st 2012 would be the end of the 13th Baktun.
So instead of saying Happy end of the World it would simply be more appropriate to say Happy 14th Baktun!

Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:09 pm
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
If the world does end, I hope it goes quickly such as via supernova, rather than the sun going out. That would suck.
But yeah, if the world ends, I won't have to worry about things anymore. So there's that at least.

Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:18 pm
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
Yoman987 wrote:
What do you guys think about the 2012 thing that we extrapolated from Mayan beliefs?
Nope. Not a thing.

Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:35 pm
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
Sorry to rain on the doomsday parade, but...

Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:45 pm
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
I didn't think any sane people actually believed this

Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:10 pm
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
It IS a great time to make money if you have low scruples. Sell things at vastly inflated prices but on long term plans to idiots who think they'll enjoy them for a month then not have to pay for them.
Happened with a couple End of the World times in the past.

Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:36 pm
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
If the majority of humanity was wiped out by some cataclysmic event, would the rest of us just give up? Huddled in dark corners waiting for the end to take us? Or would we fight to rebuild modern civilization, with a new emphasis on survival?

Maybe a near total-destruction event would be the best thing for humanity's long-term survival.

Regardless, 2012 is a load of BS. Any cataclysmic event will have to come like a thief in the night (without warning), otherwise we'd have time to prepare and inevitably enough of us would survive/escape to repopulate the Earth after the cataclysm ran its course (unless of course the Earth is no longer habitable).

Heck, it could even happen as soon as you're done reading this sentence.

Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:29 am
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
My opinion is that it's bull♥♥♥♥.
Not only has the link MLC posted proved it wrong, but, modern-day Mayans have said it's bull♥♥♥♥ as well. They're like, the people who know about this stuff.

Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:52 am
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
You don't even need modern day mayans to say anything

You just have to realise that why the hell would people who lived so long ago know ♥♥♥♥ about when the world is going to end when we don't

Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:01 am
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Post Re: 2012 Apocalypse - Opinions?
Because the Mayans made pyramids, and as we all know, pyramids are landing sites for aliens. The aliens told them.

(That is, before the ancient mesoamerican x-com defeated them.)

Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:12 am
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