Data Realms Fan Forums

Semi-Heavies (B32) V1.23.17 W/ CompliSound and CompliMelee
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Author:  Hoovytaurus [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Semi-Heavies (B32) V1.23.17 W/ CompliSound and CompliMelee

DISCLAIMER: This mod contains large files and duplicates. It also contains low-efficiency, peformance-intensive code. Inside are also disabled weapons and other such things. Explore freely, and see if you can learn anything from this feature-rich mod.

DISCLAIMER 2: Half the mod's cool features seem to totally break in campaign mode. No clue why.


The Semi-Heavies are a group split from the legendary Heavies, adopting more sensible armaments that cost much less to manufacture.

They pride themselves on utter versatility and standardized, high-quality armor. They are repeatedly mocked by the Heavy Commander for resembling an army - not a bandit group.

This is responded to with a swift reminder that the Heavy Commander needs a crane to lift himself out of bed every morning.


High-quality, hand-tuned sounds

Diverse and distinct weapon animations

Wide arsenal with upgrades/sidegrades for almost all weapons

Rich and detailed effects

Intense quality control





Credits may include people who may not have helped with this mod in particular at all, but rather helping me become better as a modder.


All for helping me make the old Heavies a functional mod by indirectly showing me the ropes via brutal code autopsy.

-Bad Boy for telling me about custom values
-CaveCricket48 for helping with rays
-Visage for helping with some old basic code unused in this mod but it helped me as a coder dammit
-4zk for cool new wounds and sounds and effects that I shamelessly stole (too good to NOT use)
-Kettenkrad for a few (or perhaps just one it's hard to tell nowadays) white-smoke effects.
-Kettenkrad for one singular fabric-y looking pixel
-Hundreds of Source game modders and game developing studios for gun sounds

Just like before, this may be an incomplete list.

I consider taking stuff from other mods alright if you would only come to the same result by making the thing yourself.
(This applies to all my stuff too, no need to ask for permission, just credit me)
However, if you disagree with this and find something of yours in this mod, PM me and we can work something out (including taking the mod down if need be)


Dropbox: ... e.rar?dl=0

NOTE: Void Wanderers file is present but you will have to edit the Factions.cfg file to include this mod's folder

Author:  RandomCoderZ [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Semi-Heavies (B32) V1

Glad to see you finally posting your mod here, Hoovy.
I can see that you are using Dropbox to upload. You might want to change the link to a direct download link by changing the number on the end. (0 to 1)

Author:  Hoovytaurus [ Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Semi-Heavies (B32) V1

RandomCoderZ wrote:
Glad to see you finally posting your mod here, Hoovy.
I can see that you are using Dropbox to upload. You might want to change the link to a direct download link by changing the number on the end. (0 to 1)

seems to mess with the link, but thanks for the tip (for when it works)

Author:  Hoovytaurus [ Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Semi-Heavies (B32) V1.2

shameless bump for publicity, the mod has been improved a heck of a lot

Author:  Hoovytaurus [ Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Semi-Heavies (B32) V1.22 BRAND new sound system!

new version video changelog for V1.22

Author:  gridbull [ Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Semi-Heavies (B32) V1.22.1 W/ CompliSound technology

A very solid little faction, they're steadily growing on me since I added them to my mod roster. Nice and reliable, and pose a decent challenge when the AI uses them. Only thing I would change are some of the armor sprites and colors, make them more memorable and interesting. Aside from that, great work!

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