Ever wanted a giant bug to deliver your soldiers in? Do you just keep imagining it, the bug holding your order in its guts and spitting them out on your command?
If so, then you're very strange. I do, however, have something that may somewhat please you.

This little wonder is a wingless space beetle. It's a scientific marvel how it achieves flight without wings or propellant, although some speculate its wings just move too quickly to be perceived. Others still suggest the creator of this beast was only willing to spend five hours creating the art and code and couldn't animate wings in that time.
Gibs were also apparently too difficult, and seem to implode immediately due to a yet unknown anatomical quirk. Its carapace blocks all scans, and most attempts at inspecting the internals end up activating this mysterious defense mechanism. Biologists suggest it evolved to make them less appealing prey; there's nothing for the predator to eat once the beetle is killed. What
is left behind, however, is a shower of pure liquid anguish―acidic pestilence! This foul substance is presumably the creature's equivalent to blood.
Attached sloppily along the bug's lower half are various, well, zits? Acid pimples. Should they be damaged, they will explode in a shower of acid blood, similar to the main body. These should be considered a serious hazard towards units being transported in the bug. Because of these zits, you may prefer to use the bug as a somewhat expensive mobile bomb, flying over a target and scuttling to destroy it.