Data Realms Fan Forums

Nebula Restoration Command
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Author:  RandomCoderZ [ Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Nebula Restoration Command

Hello all, Today i introduce you a new look for CC.
I call it "Nebula Restoration Command".

I was working on my EXTREME mod when i suddenly got the thought that CC was bland and boring (Mostly cause I've gotten so used to it).
And so i wanted to freshen it up by giving it some new textures and looks. I changed some of the sounds also.

This mod, and Cortex Command overall runs best with the resolution 1360x768 / 1366x768. (Yes, Even though you have a 1920x1080 compatible screen.)
Having bigger resolution than this will make you get black bars around the backgrounds and other stuff ingame too.

This includes files to replace stuff in Base.rte. Backup your old Base.rte before applying this!.. I will not held responsible for any corrupted files or lost backups.
This will change your Settings file, and therefore if you have made any changes to controls, those will also be reset. Remove the settings file if you don't want this.
This will also change your resolution in game to 1360x768, cause thats how this will look best with.
This is working for steam version.

How to install:
Just overwrite Base.rte.

Considering this is Base.rte, i tried looking in the rules and guidelines but found nothing that said i couldnt upload something like this. If I'm wrong i can ofcourse delete the links and have this topic removed.

With that said,
Here are some Screenshots:


Author:  Duh102 [ Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nebula Restoration Command

There's no rule against modifying base.rte, the only reason most people don't modify it is because it's harder to uninstall than a normal mod.

Author:  RandomCoderZ [ Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nebula Restoration Command

Duh102 wrote:
There's no rule against modifying base.rte, the only reason most people don't modify it is because it's harder to uninstall than a normal mod.

Yeah I guess so. And yes it is harder to uninstall unless you backup your old Base.rte. The reason I thought it might not have been permitted is I remember someone made something similar and had to remove it.
I think he posted the whole game though. I don't remember. I'm glad its permitted anyhow.

Anyways, I cant assume you tried it out? What do you think about it Duh102? :)

PS. It sucks that these forums aren't viewed as much anymore, I miss the old times.

Author:  Duh102 [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nebula Restoration Command

I haven't tried it, just sharing my vast wisdom. I don't even know if I have Cortex installed.

Author:  fv22 [ Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nebula Restoration Command

Hey, I downloaded your mod and I wanted to tell you that I love what you did with this mod, I especially the menu :D I just tought I'd share with you what I think of your mod, since no one did. It's sad to see how many people left the forum :(

Author:  RandomCoderZ [ Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nebula Restoration Command

fv22 wrote:
Hey, I downloaded your mod and I wanted to tell you that I love what you did with this mod, I especially the menu :D I just tought I'd share with you what I think of your mod, since no one did. It's sad to see how many people left the forum :(

Yeah indeed, thanks for letting me know what you think :) I truly appreciate that you liked it.

Yeah I miss the old crowded days.

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