Data Realms Fan Forums

Other Global Scripts by Blump
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Author:  Blump [ Thu May 07, 2015 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Other Global Scripts by Blump

Huge Heads
Heads of all AHuman actors getting bigger in size.

Primitive weather script. There will be a randomsized cloud on the map, which appears after random interval of time.
-It may be rain, or rain with lightnings, or just lightning storm. Sorry! I forget, that i've removed this thing.
-The time, which cloud takes to approach, you may see in the console. Also, there you can see a length of cloud, when it comes.
-On the cyclic maps it works weird.
-The system of rain sound not so good too, but - it works!I just tired to fix timers!
-Oh, cool thing. If lightning hit the grass (or wood), the grass would be burnt out.
-Rain drops have fire extinguishing effect.

Some screens with lightnings:

Very laggy thing). Just experiement.
If you want to stop rainstorm type StopRain() in console.

Drifting Souls

All non-robot actors leave a skeleton-like spirit after death.
-Spirit moves fast and flies without loud
-Drifting soul twinkles, and also can become invisible (cause of lag, which nature i can't understand)
-He has team of his "parent"
-Just patrolling and beating his enemies
-All items flicker in his hands. At the beginning, i wanted to add this thing because of his way to handle items - displayed hands don't move. Now, it looks like he uses a telekinesis to handle his gun).
-He is vulnerable only to fire and other grenades/rockets (RPG-7, for example)!

Some gifs:

Gibless Actors
Not including dropship engines! Survive actor which has more HP.

Flammable Grass
Script is actual for the grass on surface. Grass can't be ignited by fire, sparks and jet blasts.


Author: Blump

File comment: V1
OtherGlobalScri.rar [653.08 KiB]
Downloaded 673 times
File comment: V2: Drifting Souls
OthGlScrV2.rar [703.85 KiB]
Downloaded 606 times
File comment: V3
OthGlScrV3.rar [1.37 MiB]
Downloaded 1286 times

Author:  Miggles [ Thu May 07, 2015 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Global Scripts: Huge Heads and Rainstorm

i dont know how global scripting works, but if possible, you could have it replace the background scenes with darker versions of the normal ones when it rains, so it doesnt look all nice and sunny out when theres a storm

Author:  Blump [ Sat May 09, 2015 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Global Scripts: Huge Heads and Rainstorm

Miggles wrote:
i dont know how global scripting works, but if possible, you could have it replace the background scenes with darker versions of the normal ones when it rains, so it doesnt look all nice and sunny out when theres a storm

I think, it's impossible, because, there's no functions, manipulating scene backgrounds.
But, you can use dark textures for CC instead.

Author:  Blump [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Other Global Scripts by Blump

Version 3

Electric shock.

Gibless Actors
Not including dropship engines! Survive actor which has more HP.

Flammable Grass
Script is actual for the grass on surface. Grass can be ignited by fire, sparks and jet blasts.


Author:  werff [ Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Other Global Scripts by Blump

Hi, could you add a melee global script??

Like the F of darkstorm tech, something like that, because i love to play with a limited ammo script, and well...
And also because i like close combat.

Author:  Blump [ Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Other Global Scripts by Blump

werff wrote:
Hi, could you add a melee global script??

Hmm, yes. Maybe, some combo strikes). But, it would be cool to add ability to punch/beat for AI.
Cool idea.

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