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 The Heavies 
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Joined: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:30 am
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 The Heavies
Quick 2 warnings: you should read the credits first, and also, this mod possesses possibly inappropriate gun names. They are there to show that the Heavies are nothing more than immature armor-toting berserkers with little thought behind anything they do. Also, because naming something the AR-69 ASS FISTER is funny. If the names end up being unpopular, however, I will provide a less immature version.

I lied, 3 warnings: the layout and code of all this is the messiest stuff around, but since it doesn't impact performance I'm not bothering to fix it. If you wanna edit code but have no idea where to start due to the messy look of it all, just ask and I'll help.

The Heavies
A beautifully brutal band of mercs and angry people.

The Heavies are a brutal, no-nonsense group of heavily armored misfits out to claim the world for themselves. Funnily enough their defensive capabilities are hugely above their offensive ones - thanks to their lack of mobility and the fact that all their good weapons weigh a ton each, Heavies are unlikely to win a war in the mountains but may roll through anything else on an open field.

FEATURING: from left to right, of course

The Heavy Non-Heavy

The most poorly armored Heavy there is. Light, unskilled, and prone to very explosive death, the heavy non-heavy costs only 70 gold, but offers a sub-par performance.

The Heavy Semi-Heavy

Now we're talking. While still not quite as good as the raider, the semi-heavy can withstand a fair amount more hits while still remaining light enough to do anything past awkwardly float.

The Heavy Raider

The most common troop there is. The raiders' metal helmets keep them alive for ridiculous amounts of time, but they all weigh so much you're unlikely to get them anywhere if you put more than just a rifle on them.

The Heavy Destroyer

Lighter than the raider, more durable, AND more handsome! What else could you want? Destroyers are known for shielding the commanders of the Heavies with their dual gun-shields, but when out in they field they prefer their tommy-gun-look-alike - the AR-70.

The Heavy Special

The thing-doer of the faction - specials are the ones most likely to carry the dreaded Heavier Sniper Rifle and clear out bunkers effortlessly.

The Very Heavy Behemoth

A metal monstrosity of absurd height and size! Thankfully the giant engine on its back makes its absurd mass really no problem at all. At a whopping 5000 gold each, Behemoths can and will win wars.

And lastly.. The Heavy Commander!

The brains of the group. Well, he commands people, at least.. that's brainier than most of the Heavies. With his great love for the trademarked BIG MG and heavy armor (though his helmet could use a little work) he will defend his men forever. Well, until he gets blown up, at least.

The Guns


Too many to list! But take my word for it when I say there are some sights to behold. Aside from the silly names.

Download(always up to date): ... e.rar?dl=0
Mature Download (no silly gun names, V1): ... s.rar?dl=0


-Various sprites look a bit off - not much I can do without feedback as I'm not the best spriter around
-Railgun and detonators fire when not held (and empty their magazines) if charged up and dropped/lost
-Various balancing issues.. probably. Feedback needed


V1: Initial release
V1.01: Small bombs added
V1.02: Huntah firing sound fixed
V1.03: Added CAR-98K, a less gimmicky sniper
V1.04: Minor helmet rebalance - lower troops will lose their helmets or their heads in one powerful shot, commanders and specials won't
V1.05: Major helmet rebalance - helmets are hard, mkay, special is now above commander in "rank"

(probably incomplete) credits, excuse the sudden lack of grammar as this was written before this thread was

-data realms, obviously. lots of code used from them :)
-luvdemsoundz on youtube for some gun sounds
-a random military video for a tiny amount of reload sounds
-various youtube videos and free sfx sites for some sounds

-4zk for code to make the detonator, sniper and railgun charge up, as well as the weapon cocking code
-arcalane for inspiration from GDI mod to make troop armor very powerful as well as providing code for me to rummage around in, and sprites/code from the ultramarines (seen in the commander)
-weegee for behemoth inspiration, sprites and code
-kettenkrad for basic actor code, sprites and walking sounds
-maximdude for inspiration to change the auto shotgun's accuracy and basic code/sprite for the smoking shell used on the shotgun, as well as inspiration to change reload time on the less effective huntah

this is more than likely an incomplete list - this mod's code is so messy even i cannot figure out what's taken and what's not.

but please remember only some of the work was done by me, so if you see anything even vaguely familiar then it's likely not mine, and please do tell.

everyone on the list has been PMed and if this thread goes down then they were unhappy with the amount of work taken, which i fully understand

i mean no harm and i dont mean to claim any of the work done by the above people, all i claim is that it has been edited to be only somewhat recognizable and more usable in the Heavy theme. i am sorry if this amount of work or lack thereof is unacceptable - i only meant to make a fun-to-play mod. thank you and enjoy

Last edited by Hoovytaurus on Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:31 am
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Post Re: The Heavies
looks nice :) i'll try them

Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:54 am

Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:59 am
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Post Re: The Heavies
Yeah, they're quite heavy, heh. Nice mod btw.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:16 pm
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Post Re: The Heavies
Honestly, you should port the mod on the steam workshop. It sadden me to see a great mod getting no feedback because, and I hate to say it, the forum here is quite dead. On the workshop you'll get active people ready to try out and love your mod :)

Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:19 pm
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Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:19 pm
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Post Re: The Heavies
Is there going to be support for Void Wanderers? if not I may be able to whip up a faction file for you...if I can get VW to work that is.

Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:14 pm
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