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 Gone with the Blastwave Factions v2.5 / v2.6c for CCCP 
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 Gone with the Blastwave Factions v2.5 / v2.6c for CCCP


This is the continuation of carriontrooper's GWTB Mod found in this link: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=20498&hilit=GWTB

I got his permission to continue his awesome mod. So, here is a list of the main changes I have made so far:

-Reds, Blues and Yellows are now in separated .rte folders to allow them be their own factions. This means they can also be used by the computer just like any other faction in campaign mode. Their sprites are also different from the original ones. I also added Greens as a new faction.

-The factions have small differences in unit and weapon stats and prices. Their loadout choices are also slightly different. Most of their weapon sprites are edited vanilla weapons. Only a handful of them are totally new sprites.

-Commanders are the factions' brain units. They are based on the Blues Commander in the spinoff comic GWTB: Wasted People. They are really resistant to gibbing but are as vulnerable to damage as any soldier. Their hats and trenchcoats offer almost no protection but they might completely block a bullet in rare cases. They are good fighters and will spot enemies from long distances.

-Medics are a new soldier class. They are poor fighters and weak but fast and can heal others if close enough to the wounded.

-Snipers are now their own soldier class. They are weaker than normal soldiers but their AI can spot enemies from longer distances and are more prone to score headshots.

-Flamers are now their own soldier class. They spawn with a flamethrower only Flamers and Drones can use. They carry flammable fuel tanks on their back. The fuel tanks explode when damaged, killing the flamers, most of the time.

-Heavies are a new soldier class. They are based on the Heavies seen in the spinoff comic GWTB: Wasted People. They are more resistant to damage and carry armor layers but their jetpacks are less effective due to the extra weight. They are still as weak to headshots and flamers or any other soldier, though.

-Spec Ops are yet another new soldier class. Their advantages and flaws depend on the faction but they are generally better fighters than all the other classes.

-Knights are a new soldier class. They are based on the metal clad knights seen in the spinoff comic GWTB Legends. Their plate armor is weaker than the power armor used by the Heavies but they are completely clad in it. They come with two unique weapons, a Longsword and a Crossbow. Both weapons are powerful enough to penetrate power armor and might disarm their targets if they hit their weapons.

-Drones are a new unit type. They are based on the robots seen in the spinoff comic GWTB 404. They are really tough but move slower than other classes and their jetpacks are also weaker. They have a number of weakspots and one of them can instantly kill them, preventing them from exploding. They have the ability to pick up GWTB flamethrowers and use them. They can also self destruct at will as a last resort weapon.

-All factions have access to Tanks and Planes but at different prices. For instance, Tanks are really cheap for Yellows and really expensive for Blues. Since Blues have no Tanks in the comic, their Tanks are hijacked and their new sprites reflect that.

-When planes are destroyed, they now gib into plane and pilot pieces instead of just exploding. There's also a chance the Pilot survives the explosion and flies away, then finally landing to his death.

-Tanks now fire a different munition. It's basically an impact grenade fired at higher speed. Its explosion is small but it's as damaging.

-I removed the gatling gun attack from the plane and only left the bombing attack because the way it was working was weird. Planes are still powerful, though. I will probably add gatling gun attacks to both Planes and Tanks once I learn how to do it. I know there's a way to do that.

Here are some pictures to better illustrate this mod:





I'm thinking about adding new stuff, so I will make a list of those too:

-Adding Anti-Air Tanks like the ones shown in the comic. The ones shown in the comic are huge, though.

-Making the head of the plane pilot a weak spot. This is found in tanks so I will probably be easy to do. I'd like this to be possible.

-Making the AI be able to use Planes and Tanks properly.

-Make soldiers, weapons and vehicles for each faction have more noticeable differences. I'd like them to have advantages and disadvantages.

DOWNLOAD LINK: ... 5.rar?dl=0

IMPORTANT: This mod has been ported to the Cortex Command Community Project. Any new updates will be for the continuation project.

DOWNLOAD LINK for the CCCP version: ... d.rar?dl=0

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Last edited by Chiko on Sun Nov 08, 2020 3:49 am, edited 36 times in total.

Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:11 am
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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
I might check that out, even if GwtB was not my particular cup of tea (ironic since I'm drinking tea as of this post).

Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:03 pm
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Erm, about the weak spot in planes... Not as easy as I thought. I made the glass around the cockpit be the weak spot by making it a separated part. I tried it by letting myself being shot by enemy snipers and it breaks as intended. Problem is, I have no idea how to make it a weak spot because it wouldn't work as I thought it would.

Weak spots in actors is the Head. In Crabs and Tanks, the weakspot is Turret but there's none in a Craft.

I'm thinking about a lua attached to the weak spot might work. When the weak spot gets destroyed, it should replace the plane with another one. This other plane cannot be controlled and it moves into collision course.

I hope I can find a lua that deletes an actor to replace it with another, I think I saw one in the game files when I was looking lua files a while ago.

EDIT1: This is like the closest thing I have tried to make the plane disappear when the weak spot is destroyed... doesn't work, though. I'll try to figure out what wrong with it for a while before trying something else.
function Create(self)

function Update(self)   
   if self.craft == nil then
      for parent in MovableMan.Actors do
         if self.RootID == parent.ID then
         self.craft = ToACRocket(parent);

function Destroy(self)
   self.craft.Lifetime = 1

EDIT2: This one works perfectly! It banishes the entire plane without leaving gibs. I only need to add a way for it to create the Crashing Plane in its place and I will be uploading this feature in the next update.
function Create(self)
self.parent = nil;
self.parentcheck = false;
local actor = MovableMan:GetMOFromID(self.RootID);
   if MovableMan:IsActor(actor) then
   self.parent = ToActor(actor);
   self.parentcheck = true;

function Update(self)
   if self.parentcheck == false then
      if self.parent == nil then
      local actor = MovableMan:GetMOFromID(self.RootID);
         if MovableMan:IsActor(actor) then
         self.parent = ToActor(actor);
         self.parentcheck = true;

function Destroy(self)
   if self.parent ~= nil then
   self.parent.Lifetime = 1

Last edited by Chiko on Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:48 pm

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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
woah! i always loved that comic and the mod, but now its extended! woo!

for the flamer backpack, try consulting the maker of the...crobotech...?.....mod....when the actors pick up a certain weapon their sprites change to reflect that type, heavy weapons, energy, etc.

Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:20 pm
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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
l4d fanatic wrote:
woah! i always loved that comic and the mod, but now its extended! woo!

for the flamer backpack, try consulting the maker of the...crobotech...?.....mod....when the actors pick up a certain weapon their sprites change to reflect that type, heavy weapons, energy, etc.

Sounds just like the thing I'm looking for. Hope he's still around. :P

Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:38 pm
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On the destroy function, that's where you should spawn the crashing plane.

capnbubs really isn't around anymore.

Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:18 am
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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
I'm having a bit of trouble spawning the crashing plane.

This one works:
function Destroy(self)
   if self.parent ~= nil then
   self.parent.Lifetime = 1
   local Rocket = CreateACRocket("Reds Plane" , "GWTBReds.rte")
      if Rocket then
      Rocket.Pos = Vector(self.Pos.X,0)

It spawns another plane at the top of the screen.

But I want the new spawn to act as the bombs the plane drops so I tried spawning the bombs using code found in the plane.lua:
function Destroy(self)
   if self.parent ~= nil then
   self.parent.Lifetime = 1
   Bomb = CreateMOSRotating("Plane Bomb" , "GWTBReds.rte");
      if Bomb then
      Bomb.Vel.X = lengthdir_x(self.throttle / 1.1,self.RotAngle);
      Bomb.Vel.Y = lengthdir_y(self.throttle / 1.1,self.RotAngle);
      Bomb.Pos.X = self.Pos.X - lengthdir_x(0,self.RotAngle + math.pi / 2);
      Bomb.Pos.Y = self.Pos.Y - lengthdir_y(0,self.RotAngle + math.pi / 2);
      Bomb.RotAngle = self.RotAngle;

But it doesn't work. I'm having trouble finding what's wrong with this. Maybe I should just try another code.

Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:31 am

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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish by spawning a bomb. If you want the crashing plane to act as a bomb that should either be defined in the ini of it (easier) or you could create a bomb at the crashing plane's position when it's destroyed.

Either way, the problem with the first script is that the line Rocket.Pos = Vector(self.Pos.X,0) is setting its height to 0. It should be: Rocket.Pos = self.Pos

Also, I'm not sure you really need to or should spawn a new plane. It shouldn't be hard to just force the plane's angle to some crashing angle when the pilot's dead (just keep setting self.RotAngle = whatever number every frame) and use the original plane instead. If you replace it with a new plane you have to deal with a disparity in wounds and you have to change the plane's life. It seems like more trouble than it's worth. That said, I don't know how you're checking for a living pilot so it may be easier to replace it.

Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:48 am
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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
FOr the Exploding Gib Fake Plane, maybe a MOSRotating with an OrientToVel value in ini, with low gibimpulselimit.
[Attach a script to it if you want]

Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:00 am
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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
If you just want the plane's HP to instantly drop below zero, make a high damage breakwound for the "weak spot" attachable, no scripting required.

Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:21 am
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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
It is somehow odd that you are back Geti. But I guess as long as you aren't eaten by the forumites, you silly turkey.

Where is the break wound defined again? You could get it to emit bombs. [It becomes more convenient if we can offset AEmitter emissions]

Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:43 am
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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
Inside the attachable, either in its definition or in the copy when you attach it.
If you want a nice flaming trail you could make the breakwound a copy of some of the nice vehicle wounds with an increased burst damage.

You can set emission offsets but it's likely more convenient to script dropping bombs.

I'm only sort of back, check once a day if that and don't spend much time, but figured I could help out here since everyone seems to have forgotten that ini modding even exists :)

Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:17 pm
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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
Bad Boy wrote:
I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish by spawning a bomb. If you want the crashing plane to act as a bomb that should either be defined in the ini of it (easier) or you could create a bomb at the crashing plane's position when it's destroyed.

Either way, the problem with the first script is that the line Rocket.Pos = Vector(self.Pos.X,0) is setting its height to 0. It should be: Rocket.Pos = self.Pos

Also, I'm not sure you really need to or should spawn a new plane. It shouldn't be hard to just force the plane's angle to some crashing angle when the pilot's dead (just keep setting self.RotAngle = whatever number every frame) and use the original plane instead. If you replace it with a new plane you have to deal with a disparity in wounds and you have to change the plane's life. It seems like more trouble than it's worth. That said, I don't know how you're checking for a living pilot so it may be easier to replace it.

Makes sense. I just wanted to spawn a bomb with the plane sprite because the plane moves via lua script and it's not affected by gravity like anything else and because this other actor is going to have a crashing sound to it. Can it's lua file be changed or taken away without having to change the actor? Also, is there a way to make it unable to be controlled by the player other than spawning a new actor?

Foa wrote:
FOr the Exploding Gib Fake Plane, maybe a MOSRotating with an OrientToVel value in ini, with low gibimpulselimit.
[Attach a script to it if you want]

Imma try this one. I'm currently trying with a TDExplosive actor. But my problem is spawning actors other than ACRocket or ACDropship actors. No idea what I'm doing wrong.
function Destroy(self)
   if self.parent ~= nil then
   self.parent.Lifetime = 1
   local Rocket = CreateMOSRotating("PlaneKill" , "GWTBReds.rte")
      if Rocket then
      Rocket.Pos = self.Pos

Here's my current attempt to spawn it. I also tried local Rocket = CreateActor too but it doesn't work.

EDIT: Nvm, it works with this other one:
function Destroy(self)
   if self.parent ~= nil then
   self.parent.Lifetime = 1
   local Gib = CreateMOSRotating("PlaneKill","GWTBReds.rte");
      Gib.Pos = self.Pos

Geti wrote:
Inside the attachable, either in its definition or in the copy when you attach it.
If you want a nice flaming trail you could make the breakwound a copy of some of the nice vehicle wounds with an increased burst damage.

You can set emission offsets but it's likely more convenient to script dropping bombs.

I'm only sort of back, check once a day if that and don't spend much time, but figured I could help out here since everyone seems to have forgotten that ini modding even exists :)

I think I have seen breakwound in some other actor ini. The flaming trail sounds like a nice idea too.

Thanks for the help, lads. I'm pretty new to modding this game so I can't tell what's better or less complicated yet. :P

Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:56 pm

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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
After playing around with these guys for a bit i noticed some things:

I love the tanks, they are effective but not overpowered. Plus a sniper can kill them with one shot, so they are not an impossible opponent. Although maybe something like a pie menu command would be nice to enable a coaxial machine gun, just for added diversity. They also battle a bit on rough terrain, so maybe if you used the EDV armoured car's thingy where you can spray concrete, that could help it get over rough terrain. At the moment I have to give it an infantry support squad, one of which armed with a concrete sprayer :P So far, i love the tank :D Transport bays would be cool, but they are unnecessary.

The yellow's lack a description: Atm it is the same as the blues.

The planes are nice, but just bombers seems a bit silly. Perhaps a model armed with a machine gun would be nice, or even better make the weapon interchangeable. But they are pretty damn awesome as they are :D

I love how each color excels at something different, although if it were made more obvious it would be nice. So, for instance, the blues are superior at air combat so maybe they are the only ones armed with the machine gun plane (if made), the reds are just normal, so maybe give them something that is really powerful, but just for infantry. Like maybe a heavy machine gun/turret or something. Maybe just a shovel or something for hand-to-hand. And since the yellows are like the stealthy, advanced faction, they could have some form of silenced weapon, like an SMG, or something like a knife for silent kills. And their tank has the machine gun, if made. Just something to make them more distinct, and specialist.

The yellow sniper is too powerful. 10 rounds and almost as powerful as the blues. Just a small nerf, maybe to 7 rounds or something.

A pistol would be nice, just for a secondary.

Some sort of delivery option. Just a crate with a team colored stripe would be satisfactory.

Some activity (any activity) would be nice. I recommend something where you start out with x amount of reds with certain guns, and you must infiltrate a position guarded with x amount of yellow/blues and steal intel or kill someone important, or something like that. Also a Maginot Defense-like mission would be nice, where you are given a set amount of guys are you hold of for a certain amount of time or something.

Is their an actual difference between soldier A and soldier B? I tend to go with A, since he generally looks cooler and has a better helmet. B just seems to be the driver of the tank. If there is no difference, i suggest making Soldier B the explosives or the flamer expert, so a fuel tank on the back for Blue and yellow, and a pack full or rockets for red, since they have those weapon types.

A few more weapon types would be nice, but i am not sure what you would need to use, tbh. Just more variants, i suppose. Maybe a carbine for Yellow, an SMG for the reds and maybe mines for the blues, just so each faction has a different play style.

I love how the actors are squishy. It gives them a feel or being ordinary people, not super soldiers or anything. However t would be cool if they had the mask be destroyable, and when that happened their health drains to zero, so its like that is all that keeps them alive.

Anyway, i think that is everything i wanted to say. Ofcourse, all that is just being said because this is one of my favourite mods and i would really like it to become huge, like Unitec or S.A.W. You don't even have to change anything and i would be happy :D Looking forward to more stuff in the future!

Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:38 am
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Post Re: Gone with the Blastwave Extended
Woops. Didn't noticed about the missing description there. :P

Also, yeah a sniper can take out a tank too easily. I haven't thought about adding a machine gun to the tank but if I managed to do so, it will be probably located just in front of the Head so that it acts as some protection too. I have no idea if an actor can have two separated weapons like that, though.

Also, the planes used to have a machine gun but I took it away coz of the way they worked. Bombing was done by holding down the secondary mouse button, which also brings the pie menu and made it a bit weird. I could try adding it as a "fire mode" like some weapons allow. I'd need to take a look at their pie lua things.

There's no difference between Soldier A and B, just the helmet. The soldier A's helmet is only worn by snipers in the comic so I could either just take Soldier B out and make the helmets appear randomly when a soldier is bought or rename Soldier A to Sniper and make him available with a "free" Sniper Rifle and different stats and price.

I've been thinking about adding a bit more weapons too. Maybe Pistols for Reds and Yellows, SMGs for Blues and Hand Grenades for all 3 Factions.

About the Factions advantages and disadvantages. I've been thinking about something like this:

Strongest Soldiers
Best AA Tanks
Have all weapon types
They have Rocket Launchers instead of Grenade Launchers
Most of their weapons are more accurate but hold less ammo

Weakest Soldiers
Best Planes
Best Sniper Rifles and Shotguns but no Flamers
They have Impact Grenade Launchers
Most of their weapons hold more ammo but lack accuracy

Average Soldiers
Best Tanks
Best Flamers but no Shotguns
They have Bouncing Grenade Launchers
Most of their weapons do more damage and fire faster but less accurate

The only thing I have done about the AA Tanks so far are the sprites. No idea if they should be like Flak Cannons or fire AA missiles. Missiles I like more. Also, I've been thinking about making them able to fire missiles to an area until you tell them to stop. Something similar to the move commands you can issue on your troops. I hope it's possible... it would be cool.


They are bigger in the comic but I don't think I should do them tha big...

Last edited by Chiko on Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:10 am
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