Data Realms Fan Forums

Halloween (ish)
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Author:  wiffles [ Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  Halloween (ish)

hey all happy Halloween! How we doing?

I'm here to present the mod I was going to put into the mod contest; Z.rte. I've polished it a bit, such as putting the BG legs in palette (lol) and bugfixing somethigs
Its still a WIP, and constructive criticism is very welcome.
Also, I want to be able to give the plaga their weapons with the actor, because I cant get that to work, so if someone can do that for me, I would be grateful!

Well here it is:

(Backstory to be thought up of later)


Azs (WIP)

Our own anti zombie soldiers! slightly tougher than coilation, for more cost (I want to make the sprites more custom, and edit toughness etc.)


Basic infectees from the spanish village of god knows where, cheap infectees that ae good meatsheilds


Plaga: various types ofmore matured plaga virus than the infectees, therefore more resistant than ganados heres the heavy version:

guns: suprise for you! ( I cant get good pictures of them, and I cant do gifs help please, I fail :P)

Enjoy!(sorry bout the links)

1.0: original release
1.1: Desolator fix, added the violator.

Edit: fixed my spelling errors

File comment: enjoy?
Z.rte.rar [657.17 KiB]
Downloaded 315 times
File comment: v 1.1
Z.rte.rar [659.88 KiB]
Downloaded 470 times

Author:  Benpasko [ Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween (ish)

Those actor sprites kinda remind me of something I was working on, but just kinda forgot about, it's the color scheme.

Teaser2.bmp [33.8 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Author:  wiffles [ Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween (ish)

lol I didnt mean to copy you ben, Its part of my own color scheme habits :P

Search NSF and you'll see

Author:  deathbringer [ Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween (ish)

Actually, a lot of mods have this color scheme now. This one, Ben's one and AAL.
I guess its just because it looks cool.

Author:  Benpasko [ Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween (ish)

wiffles wrote:
lol I didnt mean to copy you ben, Its part of my own color scheme habits :P

Search NSF and you'll see

It's ok with me, I was just noting something I observed.

Author:  wiffles [ Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Halloween (ish)

mini update: fixed the Desolator minigun, it now shoots dsolator shots, not coalition gg shots, upped the cost, reload and spread.

added: Violator minigun, heavy, slow, and cheap!

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