Data Realms Fan Forums

Happy Halloween!
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Author:  Jadestone [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween every one!
i made a new actor and bomb for Halloween.

Pumpkin Soldier: A pumpkin using roots to walk around and if you press b it can heal it self slowly(goes past 100 on purpose) These guys have no jet packs but they can jump and move semi fast.

Pumpkin Head: A pumpkin soldiers head that can be thrown and exploads into little pumpkin chunks!

Soon to Come:
Ghost Costume (Pick it up and you character wears it)(need to be normal sized actor to wear it)
Kid in Ghost Costume
Frosty the Evil Snowman (Frosty the snowman but evil!)(TAKE THAT CHRISTMAS lol)
Scare Crow (YAY Suggestions!)
Crow (YAY idea from a suggestion!)
Pumpkin Pie (Throwable!)
Pumpkin Sword (A sword made of pumpkin... already made the sprite im not going back XD)
Candy Bag (Press Z to Hit people with the bag and X to Throw it at people and normal attack is throw candy)
Candy (Throw the one piece of candy)
Headless Horsemen
Pumpkin King
Grim Reaper

Pictures(sorry for big pics):

The actors and bombs both look better ingame than they do in the pics.

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Author:  pieman280 [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

Yes! A halloween mod. Even if it is just a pumpkin, and a bomb, we still need something for the holiday spirit. Let me be the first to say thanks!

also, even though it's not the 31st yet, Happy halloween!

Author:  Cooljoesmith [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

the heads on the pumpkin needs to face to the side instead of facing the screen, other than that good.

Author:  Toastersofwar2 [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

Awsome idea for the holidays. i wana frag some dummies with pumpkins now. :3
im gonna test some of this stuff... (BTW, as an idea, how about a scarecrow actor???)

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

Reminds me of my old Halloween mod, the Pumkin Zombie. You did a better job, though.

Author:  domtech [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

:D very nice job!
i made a pumpkin bomb to put in my mod contest entry but you did yours first :P

Author:  Jadestone [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

Toastersofwar2 wrote:
Awsome idea for the holidays. i wana frag some dummies with pumpkins now. :3
im gonna test some of this stuff... (BTW, as an idea, how about a scarecrow actor???)

Scarecrow good idea ill get right on it!

Currently Soon to Come:
Ghost Costume (Pick it up and you character wears it)(need to be normal sized actor to wear it)
Kid in Ghost Costume
Frosty the Evil Snowman (Frosty the snowman but evil!)(TAKE THAT CHRISTMAS lol)
Scare Crow (YAY Suggestions!)
Crow (YAY idea from a suggestion!)
Pumpkin Pie (Throwable!)
Pumpkin Sword (A sword made of pumpkin... already made the sprite im not going back XD)
Candy Bag (Press Z to Hit people with the bag and X to Throw it at people and normal attack is throw candy)
Candy (Throw the one piece of candy)

Yes i know im pushing the pumpkin thing but thats all i can think of for halloween lol!

Ideas for New Actors and Stuff:
Ghost Costume: Press X to Be able to walk straight through solids. (Need help with this one lol)
Kid in Ghost Costume: Press Z to throw pumpkins and X to Throw Candy and C to Be able to walk straight through solids. (I think i can do this in lua...)
Frosty The Evil Snowman: Z to Spit Snow and X to Throw Your head (the head turns into another guy)
Scare Crow:
Crow: Z to Glide and X to Rush Forward and C to Drop "Crow Bombs" Wink wink (no they dont expload its just ♥♥♥♥ :razz: )
Pumpkin Pie: Z to Eat it (heals you) and X to Hit some one with it instead of throwing it
Pumpkin Sword: Z to Eat it (Heals you alot but then slowly kills you) and X to Throw it
Pumpkin Bomb(Still working on the bomb lol): Z to Eat it (You blow up after some time)
Candy Bag: Press Z to Hit people and X to Throw it and normal attack is throw candy and C to eat some candy.
Candy: Z to eat it

Author:  deathbringer [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

I'm looking forward for the crow. I always liked flying things in CC and killing people with a crow would just be awesome.

Author:  Jadestone [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

Hi I need some help:


Thats the problem i need a lua coder thats it...
i understand how to lua code but im not really good
so i need some help i could just request each script
in lua requests but then it would take too long some times
it just doesnt work like that so i need a or more than one
lua coder...

Author:  dragonxp [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

domtech wrote:
:D very nice job!
i made a pumpkin bomb to put in my mod contest entry but you did yours first :P

This could get you disqualified, the entries r supposed to be kept anoymous, just saying.

Author:  deathbringer [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

dragonxp wrote:
domtech wrote:
:D very nice job!
i made a pumpkin bomb to put in my mod contest entry but you did yours first :P

This could get you disqualified, the entries r supposed to be kept anoymous, just saying.

Maybe he said that because he'll do something else since his idea got stolen.
Just saying.

Author:  Toastersofwar2 [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

IDEA : How about a demon that can shoot fire balls??? :grin:
[User was warned for this post - TLB]

Author:  deathbringer [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

Toastersofwar2 wrote:
IDEA : How about a demon that can shoot fire balls??? :grin:

How about posting only once and using the edit button?

Author:  wiffles [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

I demand a jack the pumpkin king actor/hero, it would be awesomness

Author:  Point.blank [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Happy Halloween!

You mean Pyro jack/Jack O' Lantern/ The guy who made a deal with the devil, but got his head replaced by an overrated squash? Hellz yes. Maybe a horse is too much to ask for though...

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