Data Realms Fan Forums

Combat Control Room V1.2
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Author:  piipu [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Combat Control Room V1.2

This bunker module allows you to monitor and control all your battles from the comfort of your cozy bunker. It comes with a pre-placed radar screen that shows the positions of every actor on the scene.
    Movement keys = move cursor
    shoot = select actor closest to cursor
    Z = toggle terrain rendering modes
    X = toggle showing of particles
    F = order airstrike upon cursor (costs 50 oz)
    T = order robot with an autoshotgun upon cursor (costs 210 oz)
    R = select brain

Big thanks to Roon3 for the BG for the bunkermodule and Grif for the idea of radars, though I didn't use any of his code. Also thanks to Lizard for the icon sprites.

Update: Lots of optimization on the accurate terrain detection, which has pretty much removed all lag. Also, particle showing and accurate terrain rendering work laglessly at the same time as well. Also added airstrike and robot drop.

V 1.2: New icons, increased air strike size, console access to deliveries.

File comment: v1.2 is here.
ANiceControlModule.rte.rar [44.54 KiB]
Downloaded 2455 times

Author:  Duh102 [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

I also deem this to be in accordance with Awesome.

Hm, what would be cool also is air strikes and the like targeted from this. Perhaps if you buy a beacon, it looks for the control room. If not present, it acts like normal beacons and deploys at the site it was ordered to. If present, switches control to the control room and waits until you press the select button, where it instantly warps to and activates.

Author:  CrazyMLC [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

Lookin' good! Looks like it works well, but why isn't it picking up the floor for the module in the picture?
Well, time to test this out! :D

Author:  piipu [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

Air strikes idea approved. Maybe pressing 1 causes a loss of 100 oz and an airstrike appearing in a few seconds upon the cursor?
CrazyMLC wrote:
Looks like it works well, but why isn't it picking up the floor for the module in the picture?
It's because of the limited amont of "pixels" on the screen. It's using a rather inefficient way of detecting the terrain causing it to miss thin pieces sometimes.

Author:  kronos10 [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

Job well done man. This is be usefull so you dont have to press q and search the entire map for enemies. And also when you want to make a last stand like i tend to do. I Have to add that this works really well with DStech bunker modules. :D

-Stay Awesome

Author:  ZevN47 [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

Looking into this... looks very interesting to say the least

Author:  numgun [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

Maybe turn this into a super weapons control system?
Like you have the crosshair flying around the map, you can switch attacks with a press of a button and launch them with another. And by attacks I mean various things suchs as:

-Orbital bombardment
-Ion cannons
-Laser strikes
-Fuel air bombs
-Bunker busters
-drop pod with a robot and a gun

The currently selected attack would be visible in the control room somewhere as an icon.

Author:  Flammablezombie [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

I see an effective use for the Ypsilon here.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

dern kids always makin mah minimaps better

but uh this is even better than zalo's version that was much better than mine so

Kudos also for implementing most of the ideas originally posted in my thread that I was much too lazy to.

Author:  zalo [ Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

Heh, was about to post about how similar everything was to mine, But Grif is right. It's better than mine.

Also, GetTerrMatter :x

Author:  Duh102 [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

I have a horrible, horrible idea. Tetris block drop.

Author:  Foa [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

pipuu, can we have a version of this that is just the map and the map ai on the top middle part of the frame. ( request )

Anyways, you mad zalo jealous, cookies, and a beverage of choice for you.

numgun wrote:
Maybe turn this into a super weapons control system?

I'd like it to be an OpAI ( Operator AI ) , and have it be able to designate drop zones, and allow it to designate reinforcements drops ( swat style :D~ ) .

Author:  BlackNecro [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

I have a somewhat fudged idea.
How about doing a check on all terrainpixels in one radarsquare and displaying the map with a few different colors indicating how high the terrainpixel density is in each radarsquare? That way even thin features would be somewhat displayed correct.
Obviously at a much lower redraw rate.

Author:  piipu [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

Airstrikes are done now, pressing f costs 50 gold and drops 6 Standard Bombs on the selected location after 5 seconds.
I don't think I'm going to add any more offensive features to the thing, though the robot drop thing would be nice. I also thought changing AIModes from the screen would be nice. Like pressing G near an actor causes the cursor to change and pressing it again sets the GoTo waypoint for the actor. And T for sentry or something.
Foa wrote:
pipuu, can we have a version of this that is just the map and the map ai on the top middle part of the frame. ( request )
Do you mean like how it was when I posted pictures about it in the Epic Moments thread? I don't have the bunker module .bmps anymore but I guess I could do it anyways.
Foa wrote:
I'd like it to be an OpAI ( Operator AI ) , and have it be able to designate drop zones, and allow it to designate reinforcements drops ( swat style :D~ ) .
I doubt I'm actually going to code an AI for this, unless I get really bored.
Also, I thought of a better method for terrain detection, I'll see how it works after school.

Author:  smithno13 [ Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combat Control Room

How about when you press a certain button it will render the map in high detail ONLY ONCE and save that image on the screen until you tell it to render again? Depending on how you play, terrain damage does not always take place fast and devastating, its only small changes that you really dont need to see on the map.

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