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Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed
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Author:  lafe [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

Awesome Lua-d Vehicles, includes:

A car (this has some glitches when it moves at low speed, use only on smoothish terrain.)
moves with arrow keys, this one is still a wip, so i have more work to do on it.
sprite by Lupin, code by me
ScreenDump172.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 15882 times ]

Assault Carrier:
ScreenDump169.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 15890 times ]

Giant Spaceship, sprite by Numgun, code by me

hover-car, stays a distance of about 75 pixels above ground, drives at high speeds, all terrain vehical.
sprite & code by me.
ScreenDump173.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 15850 times ]

P.O.D. (Personal Orbital Device)
Previously Released by me, but still fun, great for tactical insertion.

All These fine vehicles can be found under "craft"
LCraft.rte.rar [45.7 KiB]
Downloaded 1295 times


Hover.bmp [25.12 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
ScreenDump168.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 15890 times ]
ScreenDump159.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 15890 times ]

Author:  Disst [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier

lafe wrote:

What the ♥♥♥♥ is this thing? It's a ♥♥♥♥ polygon with likely automated shading. It's also every color of the ♥♥♥♥ spectrum.

Author:  lafe [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier

3POK_PHALE wrote:

What the fudge is this thing? It's a fudge polygon with likely automated shading. It's also every color of the crap spectrum.

Its Beautiful :-P .
no, its not autoshaded, just ugly. here, ill re-do it.

FIXED sprite

Author:  Duh102 [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier

The redo looks better. Still needs a little better shading though, the light lines are a bit strange and the effect is similar to what I imagine a ridged metal would produce.

The ones you didn't sprite look decent, and the pod still looks pretty flat, but at least you're getting better.

Author:  Eviltebor [ Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier

Crashes cc with a message about warsat.rte or something.

Author:  lafe [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier

Eviltebor wrote:
Crashes cc with a message about warsat.rte or something.

give me a minute.
gibbing dependency.

Please forgive me, anyone whos dld this mod, version without reference coming momentarily


Author:  TorrentHKU [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

You really are improving lafe, gonna test now.

EDIT: Derp, forgot to download it. :P

Kay, reviewed.
I love these.

All of them: give em some gibs. Turning into a dropcrate when it dies ISN'T very convincing. Instead of having it gib into the huge booms, have it gib into all of the fire, smoke, and death-dealing particles, so that the crafts explode when they die.

Assault Carrier: Use a custom material for this thing or something. The amount of punsihment it can take for its size is pathetic. I love the movement though.

Car: The clip art style is hilarious. I see something that the paperclip from MS Office should drive running down a coalition clone, and I :twisted: . Once again, use a custom material.

Huvacar: Add some damping or something to this thing, because if you don't, you'll just keep floating up and down through the air, trying to get to 75 pixels for infinity.

The flying pod thing: No real complaints here. You MIGHT wanna have carried weight effect this thing somehow, because I carried 5 Panzors in it, and it flew fine. Actually, that was awesome. Leave it as is.

Seriously, find a spriter BEFORE you start doing ANYTHING else.

Author:  lafe [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

Hyperkultra wrote:
You really are improving lafe, gonna test now.

EDIT: Derp, forgot to download it. :P

Thanks :grin:

I just implemented a way so that the hover car can go into caves and bunkers!
if self:GetAltitude(self.Pos.Y,5)
Im surprised nobody did the Pos.Y bit, it works really good.
Now the HoverCar can go under roofs!

Author:  LowestFormOfWit [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

Lafe I'm of the disposition that you just aren't cut out for spritework.

Please take my advice, and just openly admit your flaws and wrok around them rather than speed your face into a wall over and over as you are doing. You'll get a lot less flak asking for another's spritehelp vs. posting boxes.

I have admitted countless times openly that I am a failure at most things code/programming related. I simply take my ideas and sprites to people who are more proficient in this field.

Similarly I think you need to find the hip of a decent spriter, and attach to it.

Unless of course, you have some weird thing with not liking credits in your threads.

Author:  lafe [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

LowestFormOfWit wrote:
Lafe I'm of the disposition that you just aren't cut out for spritework.

Please take my advice, and just openly admit your flaws and wrok around them rather than speed your face into a wall over and over as you are doing. You'll get a lot less flak asking for another's spritehelp vs. posting boxes.

I have admitted countless times openly that I am a failure at most things code/programming related. I simply take my ideas and sprites to people who are more proficient in this field.

Similarly I think you need to find the hip of a decent spriter, and attach to it.

Unless of course, you have some weird thing with not liking credits in your threads.

id like a spriter, and ive asked twice, with no avail, here ill try a 3rd time.

Posted thread

Author:  lafe [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

Hyperkultra wrote:
You really are improving lafe, gonna test now.

EDIT: Derp, forgot to download it. :P

Kay, reviewed.
I love these.

All of them: give em some gibs. Turning into a dropcrate when it dies ISN'T very convincing. Instead of having it gib into the huge booms, have it gib into all of the fire, smoke, and death-dealing particles, so that the crafts explode when they die.

Assault Carrier: Use a custom material for this thing or something. The amount of punsihment it can take for its size is pathetic. I love the movement though.

Car: The clip art style is hilarious. I see something that the paperclip from MS Office should drive running down a coalition clone, and I :twisted: . Once again, use a custom material.

Huvacar: Add some damping or something to this thing, because if you don't, you'll just keep floating up and down through the air, trying to get to 75 pixels for infinity.

The flying pod thing: No real complaints here. You MIGHT wanna have carried weight effect this thing somehow, because I carried 5 Panzors in it, and it flew fine. Actually, that was awesome. Leave it as is.

Seriously, find a spriter BEFORE you start doing ANYTHING else.

Thanks for the feedback :grin:
i can do most of it realy quickly too.

Author:  mail2345 [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

Lafe, why not use a universal .lua?


And have a preset name check for the word hovering.

Author:  lafe [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

mail2345 wrote:
Lafe, why not use a universal .lua?


And have a preset name check for the word hovering.

Because not all the vehicals are the same.
the hovercar autofloats 75 pixels above the ground, the carrier is slower than the pod, ect.

Author:  Duh102 [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

Make a function that takes those things as arguments. Use the include or includefile or whatever it is to grab that function from the vehicle.lua and implement it in hovercar.lua or whatever. It slims your individual files down quite a bit.

Author:  Morbo!!! [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vehicle Pack- Car, P.O.D, HoverCar, Assult Carrier Fixed

Everyone's praising this so far so I won't instantly make up my mind that it's crap. A good idea to use sprites provided by other members, cuts down the time it takes and to be blunt, they look better than you've been able to manage so far. My only complaint from looking at screenshots is the size of the car (HUGE), and the weird flying brown turd as someone put it. But these things can be rectified. Gonna test it now.

EDIT: Gave them a go. Sprites on the hovercar and pod were still rather horrible. The assault carrier wasn't great in terms of door placement, and I was hugely disappointed by the absence of lots of gibs and asplosions when it died, just two big explosions that detonated upon impact with the ground. I suppose if Numgun didn't provide sprites for that it's excusable.

Also, the pod couldn't lift much up. It could pretty much only abduct weapons and only the lightest of actors, and the tractor beam thing didn't work properly, the 'doors' would close before the cargo got inside.

The car kept dying upon landing on the ground.

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