FE7 Hector - v1.12, with a cape and some Lua bits. 5/17/10
v1.12 5/17/10 - Lua bits may be fixed later, when I figure out how is Lua formed.
Thanks go to LFoW for correcting my .ini, Gotcha! for his excellent WOOSH sounds and slash sprites, and Grim for his sprite sheet.
Now with Lua bits,
Activities (creepy),
And a damn good shield.
Now includes facemask,
Moar custom wounds,
A brain unit,
And slightly faster axes.
Mmk, so...I've fiddled with Hector a bit, and now:
His cape is longer.
He actually has armor -,- Pretty good armor too.
He doesn't fudge bleed everywhere.
He doesn't get ownt (as badly) from falling.
His axe(s) are semi-auto and a bit less broken than before.
Unfortunately, his cape isn't flowy yet. When I make moar cape sprites it will be.
Methinks that's it. Lemme know how I did