Welcome to Nsf shipping headquarters your current access to the shipping department is: TRIAL.
We encourage you to get your full license as soon as possible to fully enjoy the benefits of our faction.
here are your free trial items available:
Nsf Rocket: cheap, quick transport, great armor for bashing into things, gets the job done good. we "borrowed" dummy plans to use this, so for some reason, when ever it is destroyed, the cheap paint wears off, we don't know how to fix it.....
ADD launcher: the aerial denial device, commonly know as the ADD is amazing for taking out ships and infantry. when the round explodes, it shoots out a wall of flak, destroying most ships, and mutilating enemy infantry, on sale!!
ADDA: the aerial denial device automatic is a stationary turret version with more power, range, ammo and all of the flak goes forwards! the only disadvantage is against the gibs of the enemies you destroy, due to the fact that our engineers somehow designed a floating turret, don't ask how.
ONLY 2000000000 Nsf credits for a lifetime mebership! call now at:4567248673412, ask for a re-rout of your call to the Nsf membership hq!
so this is the first part of me and my friend's first ever mod, I know theres only 3 things, were still working on fixing the gun code.
the Nsf rocket looks very similar to the dummy rocket, I have it right now because its my first ever full sprite, and we are working on other stuff.
-Credits: Me(wiffles) My friend Alex,Linuxexorcist(i think, if not i will edit-.-)
-Darlos9D and DSMK2, even though they didnt know it, they gave me inspiration for the design of the ADD and the ADDA
- finally, datarealms, for the dummy rocket
Any constructive criticism would be great, I'm 15 and juts started spriting so they may not be that good.
im going to put up a picture as soon as i find out how to take one in game -.-
heer are the pictures!!!:
