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Black lands Armys
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Author:  lafe [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Black lands Armys

ScreenDump036.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 13414 times ]

Story: We are the Black Land Military, we chose to stay on earth, which is now a polluted and radioactive wasteland.

We have found that the combination of our toxic atmosphere and our use genetic engineering has allowed us to harness the long lost human feat of psionics. Over time we have learned to use psionics for healing, pushing, manipulating, and killing. The reason we arrived at this planet is so that we can clean the current wasteland of earth into a lush paradise. To do so we need money, and lots of it.

Our units:

Black Land Soldier: basic soldier, however he is skilled enough in psionics that he can heal himself, but if he is shot allot, he cant stop the bleeding.(unfortunately they havent mastered psionics and instead of healing, they can kill.

Black Land Commander:
One of our many commanders that lead our forces. Our commanders have been "super charged" by psionic energy and can kill any nearby enemy, rerouting there health into himself.

The more psionicly gifted of our population become Psi-Elite, they are highly trained in healing himself and is increadably hard to kill.

anhalator: laser turret with tenticle legs for some mobilty

Achilles: assult robot.

Psionics is difficult to teach and master so we also have some powerful weapons to back up our troopers.

Missile Launcher: can easily destroy armored enemies
Rocket Pistol: a lighter simpler version of our Missile Launcher.

Ranged Weapons:
Sniper Pistol: Because larger rifles are sometimes impracticle we use this.
Sniper Rifle: A heavy sniper rifle that can cut down infantry with ease.
(railguns comming soon)
Assualt Weapons:
Baby Machenegun: a quick and easy to use assualt weapon
Autorifle: a very powerful minigun
BL (insert random number :grin: )-Assult rifle: assult weapon
Minigun: Fires very fast. sorry about the sprite, ill fix it next update.
Guardian: machenegun sheild hybrid

Energy Guns:
Photon Cannon: fires out a laser pulse. very harmfull too terrain, but i like it :grin:
(lighting guns comming soon)

Coming Soon:
tech weapons,
psionic weapons
psionic tools (levitation gun, digger)
assult robot will be resprited
more mobile Anhalator
Huge robot
Comes with a map! "the cradle"
Comes with a mission! "Godslayer"

Made with lua!
one of the first mods too use a lua enhanced actor!

BL.rte.rar [1.09 MiB]
Downloaded 992 times

Thanks to mantacore for the better description
also, anyone want to make a gif?
i have redone every weapon.

Author:  shadow [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

Again with the bad sprites?

I'm so tired of telling you to improve them. The code might be fine, but I don't care. No DL.

Constructive criticism: improve your ♥♥♥♥ sprites, and show your characters on a normal background. None of this "I'm gonna hide my ♥♥♥♥ horrible spriteing skills by showing my mod on a black background" crap that you've been pulling.

Author:  lafe [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

shadow717 wrote:
Again with the bad sprites?

I'm so tired of telling you to improve them. The code might be fine, but I don't care. No DL.

Constructive criticism: improve your fudge sprites, and show your characters on a normal background. None of this "I'm gonna hide my fudge horrible spriteing skills by showing my mod on a black background" crap that you've been pulling.

Dont jump to conclusions, thats the map that comes with the mod. :-(

Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

Again, along with every single mod you made...Sprites. Like Shadow said this is not the first time we said this. Sprites are just bad, I'm not gonna go around saying that. And using black for your actors does not mean you don't need to shade.

Please, when you do come back with another mod, go to the mod making first, ask for comments. Coz every time you come back these these things, it indicates you didn't learn.

lafe wrote:
Dont jump to conclusions, thats the map that comes with the mod. :-(

No. If this was a map pack, it will be in the scenes section and judged by the quality of the scene. And now the main dish are the actors and weapons, the scene is only a bonus. If the main dish taste bad I won't even order the whole meal. Please, learn.

Author:  smithno13 [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

Lafe, this mod was locked once for a reason. You dont repost it.

Author:  lafe [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

The Decaying Soldat wrote:
Again, along with every single mod you made...Sprites. Like Shadow said this is not the first time we said this. Sprites are just bad, I'm not gonna go around saying that. And using black for your actors does not mean you don't need to shade.

Please, when you do come back with another mod, go to the mod making first, ask for comments. Coz every time you come back these these things, it indicates you didn't learn.

I shaded or atleast textured 90% of the content. i thought it was good. :( next time ill get a spriter.

I fixed all the code, re-sprited alot, and attempted to avoid a flame-fest, i thought people would like this one.

Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

lafe wrote:
The Decaying Soldat wrote:
Again, along with every single mod you made...Sprites. Like Shadow said this is not the first time we said this. Sprites are just bad, I'm not gonna go around saying that. And using black for your actors does not mean you don't need to shade.

Please, when you do come back with another mod, go to the mod making first, ask for comments. Coz every time you come back these these things, it indicates you didn't learn.

I shaded or atleast textured 90% of the content. i thought it was good. :( next time ill get a spriter.

I fixed all the code, re-sprited alot, and attempted to avoid a flame-fest, i thought people would like this one.

Go ahead and hire a spriter.

That makes you do less work with more visual appeal.

Author:  smithno13 [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

I still see no shading. I see, on some sprites, a single color outlined by another color, usually black. The sprites are also mostly just blocks.

Author:  deathbringer [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

SHADING man SHADING! Don't you ever learn? Do you even know what the hell shading is? Its the thing that differs a sheet of paper of a real face. We can't even see the eyes, the nose, the mouth. Sure there are some parts that are (poorly) shaded but man, when you shade, you shade EVERYTHING not a part of it! Its not that hard using different tints of color on MSPaint. I never sprited before I made my nuke mod and just look at the fudging missile, is it shaded or not?

Good points though, the presentation is pretty good. The coding is acceptable and there is still much content to use. At least you don't deceive in that part.

Edit : But there is one thing with the presentation, fix your SPELLING too! Its not Machenegun its MACHINEGUN!

Author:  Boba_Fett [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

Why do you release mods with such bad sprites? It hurts my eyes to look at them!

Author:  lafe [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

Ive been making an Uberweapon! What do you think of the sprite? i think the shape and colorscheme are pretty good, but i need someone too shade/texture it, that i cant do, so, i made a thread in mod making asking if anyone wants to help. 0-=
What i have coded for it is pretty much awsomesauce, however. the sprite stell needs some work.
-and i promise you, its not a clone of whats been made, it fires quite diffrently (its aimable, it fires and eats slowly and constantly with a long, awsome beam, not an epic, yet short and laggy burst).
ill make several other fire modes too. and mission where you have too kill a rouge one. (yes, it will take place in space! but it will also have the ground in it (huge luad map with gravaty decreasing as you get higher in altatude, if i can code it, otherwise, youl have too live with normal gravty.))

Author:  mail2345 [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

So the image will be an X on a white square?

Sarcasm aside, I recommenced you use the real hot link. ... 0black.bmp

Which looks like

Author:  10050 [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this mod already posted/shut down for being a piece of crap?

Author:  lafe [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

mail2345 wrote:
So the image will be an X on a white square?

Sarcasm aside, I recommenced you use the real hot link. ... 0black.bmp

Which looks like

Okay, thanks! :grin:

i fixed it, resprited it, added content, and im working on it to date.

Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black lands Armys

May I ask why your grammar isn't as good as the level of grammar in your BLA story?

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