Undead Armies- 1st wave(6 more mods now) Edit:pics are in.
If you are wondering who we are, then there are only three words to say.
Welcome to hell.
We do not require your friendship. We do not Require your gratitude. All we need is for you to enjoy yourself conquering the universe, and once our army is spread across the worlds. We'll take it from there.
However. We do not trust just anyone,
If you can use this weapon to wreak havok apon the nations you will gain our trust, along with ultimate power.
Here is what you will need:
Skeleton troop: Guards the gates to hell. As the "Tank" of skeletons,each troop has been stilled in molten higher demon teeth.
- More on demons in a later released division.
War Skeleton: Lighter version of the skeleton troop, this skeleton serves as a more mobile pawn creating a more strategic defence of the gate.
Skelly.jpg [2.13 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
Laza:gun with a big bug. seriously. after the first round it goes to spikel rounds. plz help.
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Spikel:The newer, more efficient weapon for the skeletons, this baby can kill any mortal* in one blow(if aimed correctly)
*human or natural being created by a higher entity. Please refer to "immortal" if to have no life.
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Throwing Spike:Back in the biblical times the skeletons used this as a standard weapon. while outdated, it still provides a one shot, one kill factor.(NO PIC. it is a spike. no pics needed.)
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Acid Bomb: The Nazis used this as a basis for their stick grenade. After Adolf sold his soul to the devil for a revelutionary weapon, he got the scraps of a slaves tool, this.
- more on the nazis in a later released division.
Big bomb.jpg [ 38.83 KiB | Viewed 11756 times ]
The Rinse: new and improved. now has more tactical size. the size is always the same. however the lag still prevails.
Download here. live on. or not. (the judgement day mod will be AWESOME.but that might not come out for a year. this will be a HUGE mod. just throwin that in there
